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Everything posted by nic

  1. Heat 1 result 388 464 212 51 37 300 421 150 16 318 231 259 DNF 488 499 174 224 First 12 to final 37 and 421 docked 2 place for jump restart
  2. 388 Paul Ford wins heat 1 Race format 2 heats Consolation Final grand national
  3. Lap 10ish 174 on home straight race line All ok Race order 422 51 421 464 388 37 150 300 212 231 318 16 259 11 123 45 172 460 25 NOR
  4. Heat 1 on track 422 224 499 460 300 172 51 174 45 421 488 37 231 11 464 259 388 150 318 16 212 123+ 25+
  5. In the pits on this sunny breezy evening! White - C Grade 25 Bradley Harrison 36 Jordan Falding x103 Richard Masterson x135 James Bailey x196 Murray Jones 224 Mark Gray x229 Derek Brown 252 Paul Redfern 280 Colin Goodswin x325 Richard Davies 422 Ben Riley x488 Mike Kingston 499 David Allen Yellow - B Grade 11 Neil Scriven 41 Robert Broome 51 Dylan Williams-Maynard x91 Tony Smith 73 Rob Cowley 172 Michael Randell 183 Steve Whittle 207 Ben Hurdmanx 287 Sean Willis 300 Paul Carter x326 Mark Sargent 460 Chris Cooke 496 Neil Holcroft Blue - A Grade 12 Michael Scriven 37 Chris Cowley 45 Nigel Harrhy 141 Carl Pickering 174 Paul Poulter 191 Joshua Smith 231 Daniel van Spijker 421 Jack Aldridge 462 Scott Davids 512 Michael Steward Red - Star Grade 2 Paul Harrison 48 Shaun Webster 53 John Lund 150 Mick Sworder 217 Lee Fairhurst 220 William Hunter 259 Paul Hines 305 Carlos Perez 321 Ed Neachell 388 Paul Ford 464 Luke Davidson 518 Stuart Sheville Jnr Flashing lights - SuperStar grade 16 Matt Newson 212 Danny Wainman 318 Rob Speak 390 Stuart Smith 515 Frankie Wainman Jnr X denotes may arrive later Minis 1 2 8 10 21 22 69 82 128 147 152 154 180 183 198 202 226 246 262 269 272 285 287 291 299 313 326 330 361 374 391 434 612 613 798 F2 16 38 53 59 76 83 91 94 101 111 117 124 126 175 184 187 242 254 285 297 299 302 328 359 425 452 460 468 476 521 526 542 560 563 571 578 581 604 606 618 627 647 700 722 726 761 768 777 780 787 801 805 817 824 828 846 854 866 921
  6. Gn result 318 94 55 515 21 212 16 34 NOF 21 put 515 into a parked car on t1 after the finish flag that's all folks
  7. Lap 2 yf 169 and tangled on t3 race line All ok Race order 45 94 318 217 34 311 515 212 16 220 53 4 55 21 415 76 NOR
  8. GN on track 21 lap handicap 415 76 311 169 45 338 94 34 53 217 220 4 16 55 212 318 515
  9. Final result 21 212 94 55 217 2 515 45 462 338 215 415 NOF
  10. 21 Mark Gilbank wins the final 212 second 94 third
  11. Driver is out of car and as a precaution in ambulance Race order 94 21 415 55 212 217 2 45 462 515 338 16 215 212 34 NOR
  12. Lap 14 yf Roll over on t3 medics in attention Driver is concious and talking
  13. final on track 415 51 244 45 94 152 169 215 335 338 462 2 21 34 53 217 4 16 55 212 318 390 515
  14. Consolation result 462 53 390 34 94 169 415 NOF They qualify for the final along with heat top eight finishers
  15. 462 Scott Davids wins the consolation Great battle between 53 and 390 exchanging blows and places a number of times
  16. Lap 9 yf 208 and 321 in t3 fence and 208 on 321 bonnet All ok Race order 462 53 390 34 94 169 415 NOR Go lundy I here you shout!
  17. lap 8 ish yf 326 and 220 on t3 race line All ok Race order 462 94 390 34 53 169 208 321 415 NOR
  18. Lap 5 ish 276 roll over on t4 All ok Race order 191 208 462 94 415 53 390 34 169 220 307 326 321 NOR
  19. Consolation on track 76 134 208 293 307 415 207 276 313 326 451 94 169 191 462 463 34 53 220 321 390
  20. Heat 2 result 4 318 515 16 51 217 244 215 208 34 463 DNF 313 415 307 390 276 94 34 326 293
  21. Heat 2 on track 208 293 307 415 51 244 276 313 326 94 215 463 34 217 321 4 16 318 390 515
  22. Ht1 result 21 2 335 55 212 152 338 45 169 191 76 451
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