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Everything posted by nic

  1. Heat 3 on track 14 422 51 174 183 207 300 11 231 421 512 2 48 53 150 321 388 464 518 16 212 515 36+ DNS 45 460
  2. Heat 2 result 14 51 172 464 11 318 2 16 212 422 174 12 DNF 460
  3. 14 Roger Bromley wins heat 2 Flag to flag in the 197 car
  4. Heat 2 on track 14 25 422 499 172 51 460 231 174 11 12 488 388 464 2 305 220 16 318 212
  5. Heat 1 result 12 300 318 499 515 25 174 53 421 512 48 488 DNF 45 224 183 150 207 518 321
  6. 12 Michael Scriven wins heat 1 Very creditable 6th(I think) for 25 Bradley Harrison
  7. Heat 1 on track 25 224 499 300 207 183 174 45 12 512 421 488 321 48 53 220 150 305 518 318 515 36
  8. In the chilly pits today we have White - C Grade 14 Roger Bromley 25 Bradley Harrison 36 Jordan Falding 224 Mark Gray 422 Ben Riley 499 David Allen Yellow - B Grade 51 Dylan Williams-Maynard 172 Michael Randell 183 Steve Whittle 207 Ben Hurdman 300 Paul Hunter 460 Chris Cooke Blue - A Grade 11 Neil Scriven 12 Michael Scriven 45 Nigel Harrhy 174 Paul Poulter 231 Daniel van Spijker 421 Jack Aldridge 488 Mike Kingston 512 Michael Steward Red - Star Grade 2 Paul Harrison 48 Shaun Webster 53 John Lund 150 Mick Sworder 220 William Hunter 305 Carlos Perez 321 Ed Neachell 388 Paul Ford 464 Luke Davidson 518 Stuart Sheville Jnr Flashing lights - SuperStar grade 16 Matt Newson 212 Danny Wainman 318 Rob Speak 515 Frankie Wainman Jnr Minis 1 2 8 10 21 53 58 60 69 101 128 152 154 158 180 183 202 226 246 262 269 285 287 291 299 326 330 361 374 391 434 612 613 798 F2 1 38 53 59 76 101 111 124 126 154 175 178 184 187 208 242 285 299 319 328 425 476 468 521 526 560 571 578 606 618 627 647 676 700 722 726 761 805 821 828 846 856 866 913 963
  9. oops GN result 4th should have been 16 not 12, my error. Nic
  10. GN result 150 300 174 12 318 464 259 172 183 462 That all folks
  11. Mick sworder wins the GN with a last bender on 300 then smokes the tyes around the track and finishes off with donuts on finish line!
  12. Lap 12 yf 518 on t2 race line All ok Race order 300 12 150 174 259 305 16 318 183 464 422 172 462 207 515 53 421 191 220 488 48 388 123 25 NOR
  13. Lap 3 yf 512 on t4 race line All ok Race order 422 388 51 183 325 123 174 305 51 141 12 207 259 421 150 462 53 16 37 464 390 191 318 212 515 172 48 518 2 36 220 488 460 25
  14. GN on track 172 half lap handicap 422 325 300 183 460 73 207 51 174 462 421 37 488 191 12 231 512 2 48 53 150 220 259 305 388 464 518 16 212 318 390 515
  15. Final result 172 150 422 300 2 388 16 12 51 259 Only top ten announced DNF 325 191 462 207 41 73 287 488 212 464 37 11
  16. 172 Michael Randell wins the final 2nd 150 3rd 422
  17. Lap 10 yf 287 on back straight race line All ok Race order 422 499 182 300 220 37 150 etc
  18. Final on track 325 422 499 41 51 73 141 172 207 287 300 11 12 37 191 231 421 462 488 2 53 150 220 259 388 464 16 212 318 390 515 DNS 305
  19. Consolation result 172 422 11 141 499 191 41 488 48 36 DNF 45 321 123
  20. 172 Michael Randell wins the consolation
  21. Consolation on track 280 422 499 41 141 172 183 460 11 45 191 488 512 48 321 518 25+ 36+ 123+ First eight to final
  22. Heat 2 result 287 12 462 2 220 53 515 73 207 390 305 325 DNF 496
  23. 287 Sean Willis wins heat 2 His first F1 race win
  24. Heat 2 on track 325 280 287 496 41 207 183 73 141 512 12 191 462 220 305 53 218 2 390 515 36+
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