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Everything posted by nic

  1. Restart order 78 93 424 446 217 515 289 463 276 197 3 351 127 44 nor
  2. Lap 7 ish yf 501 stranded on t2 race line having only 3 wheels all ok
  3. Heat Two on Track Whites 424 44 78 Yellows 276 93 238 Blues 127 446 501 463 249 Reds 289 B197 Superstars 217 515 Novices 351w+ NZ3b+
  4. Heat One Result 127 216 18 289 93 501 35 44 55 299 nof
  5. 127 Austin Moore wins a very lively Heat One
  6. Restart order 44 18 93 127 453 216 289 501 16 55 34 217 351 3 299 35 nor
  7. Lap three yf 548 in t3 fence all ok
  8. Heat One on Track Whites 44 548 Yellows 18 93 453 Blues 35 127 216 501 34 457 Reds 289 Superstars 16 217 55 Novices 3NZb+ 351w+ 299w+
  9. Pre Meeting Entertainment Star in a reasonably priced car - Mazda Two timed laps 216 Jack France (Hit fence on t4 exit - front wing damage) Best lap 25.172 55 Craig Finnikin Best lap 22.896 515 Frankie Wainman Junior Best lap 25.413 217 Lee Fairhurst Best lap 22.567 Well done Lee Fairhurst Finishing order 217, 55, 216 515
  10. Meeting Format Race 1 BriSCA F1 Heat 1 (2/3rds) Race 2 V8 Hot Stox Heat 1 (All in) Race 3 BriSCA F1 Heat 2 Race 4 V8 Hot Stox Heat 2 Race 5 BriSCA F1 Heat 3 Race 6 V8 Hot Stox Final Race 7 BriSCA F1 Final Race 8 V8 Hot Stox GN Race 9 BriSCA F1 GN
  11. In The Bradford 27th August pits X denotes I did not see them NZ3 Mitch Vickery in 32 car 16 Matt Newson 18 Daniel Ford x 32 Chris Farnell 34 Mal Brown 35 Neil Shenton 44 Tom Brown 55 Craig Finnikin 78 Lewis Galer 93 Sam Makim 127 Austin Moore 216 Jack France 217 Lee Fairhurst 238 Richard Bryan 249 Joff Gibson 276 Mark Poole 289 Jake Walker 299 Nathan Harrison 351 John Frost 424 Mike Heywood 446 Joe Booth 453 Tommy Andrew 457 Callum Gill 463 James Morris 501 George Elwell x 515 Frankie Wainman Jnr 548 Daniel Brooke in MN car B197 Jordy Lemmens
  12. Greetings From Roy and Nic tonight 299 Nathan Harrison has just completed his 5 laps
  13. Heat Three Result Winner - 618 Wybe De vries 226 625 229 86 155 91 191 35 181 - 36 315 591 143 79 DNF 56 67 104 141 211 800
  14. Heat Two Result Winner - 215 Albert Sikkema 311 115 453 152 15 181 79 591 44 - 592 211 603 625 56 DNF 13 20 40 53 217 281 618
  15. Heat One Result Winner - 215 Albert Sikkema 575 67 152 228 44 86 76 800 315 - 141 35 53 91 603 36 226 281 DNF 20 104 143 191 229
  16. Greetings Thank you to Hary for sending me the results This is a day meeting - Final tomorrow
  17. Greetings all I have had a couple of email short conversations today with Buxton and Spedeworth promotions. I explained to them that my father was 87 years old and disabled and could not attend without his chair, as he needs a chair with arms to get out of a chair. I was told, no chairs and its a spedeworth decision. I emailed Spedeworth, they replied saying it was a Buxton decision as Buxton are the event promoter. I emailed Buxton again, and let them know the Spedeworth reply. They replied that IT IS A Buxton promotion decision. From this day forward I will never attend another Buxton event or promotion. I do believe that their refusal to accommodate for disabled is discriminatory and probably illegal. Very sad day.
  18. FYI Taken from BSCDA Newsletter. PLEASE NOTE NO OVERNIGHT CAMPING IS ALLOWED AND NO CARRY IN CHAIRS WILL BE PERMITTED Public and Competitors entry and parking will open at 8AM no vehicles will be permitted BEFORE THIS TIME. ALL Car parking £4. PUBLIC Entry to the stadium is via TURNSTILES where wristbands will be fitted.
  19. Bev Greenhalf Memorial Final Result 106 UK464 UK1 UK48 UK346 UK515 47 5 99 248 - 461 UK555 141 247 UK20 97 40 UK453 210 DNF 6 12 UK36 UK47 77 90 113 124 UK211 229 299 393 999 DQ 197 big thank to Hary for sending me the results, and congratulations to the 2022 Gold Cup winning transporter driver, Hary.🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 And congratulations to all of team 47 too 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
  20. Top 6 as announced on screen 106 Patrick Kleijzen Uk464 B197 Uk 1 Uk 48 Uk 346
  21. Bev Greenhalf Memorial Meeting Final Grid Whites 90 - 67 97 Yellows 393 - 5 71 - 210 247 - UK453 Blues 12 - 295 106 - 999 UK346 - 99 461 - 113 Reds UK47 - 197 UK48 - UK166 UK36 - UK211 UK555 - 141 UK20 - 40 248 Superstars UK464 - UK515 124 - 77 6 - 229 UK1 - 47
  22. Heat Three Result Winner - 393 Gert Elzinga 12 999 UK48 UK464 UK47 106 99 UK515 UK166 - UK36 UK346 UK555 141 229 210 40 97 UK453 UK115 79 113 16 UK526
  23. Heat Two Result Winner - 393 Gert Elzinga UK464 UK1 12 47 299 5 UK515 77 124 - 197 6 UK211 71 UK48 UK166 UK20 247 16 248 99 141 113 67 229 97 DNF UK36 90 313 461
  24. Heat One Result Winner - 5 Jerome As van UK47 299 197 UK346 106 124 47 UK1 90 461 999 6 UK211 248 247 UK555 77 210 40 UK526 453 313 DNF 79 UK115
  25. Result Amendment 124 disqualified 47 Danny Wamelen van UK464 Luke Davidson 318 Ricky Lenssen UK515 UK47 UK211 77 248 999 393- 461 141 UK555 197 6 16 65 71 247 5 229 DNF UK1 12 UK20 UK36 UK48 99 106 113 Uk166 195 299 UK346 UK381 400 Monday Result Amendment 197 moved up to 5th 47 UK464 318 UK515 197 UK47 UK211 77 248 999 - 393 461 141 UK555 6 16 65 71 247 5 229
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