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Everything posted by nic

  1. Post race interview by Tom Harris, said that something broke on the 587 on the back straight!!
  2. What happened there???? For 13 laps 587 kept 84 out of bumper hitting rang and even started to pull away! Then on the last bend 587 went in wide, lost grip and fenced himself for a DNF all ok Top Three Winner - 84 Tom Harris Second - 16 May Newson Third - 127 Austin Moore I’m wondering if 587 had an outside flat tyre?
  3. Restart order 587 345 127 463 84 166 150 16 238 446 217 212 18 nor
  4. Lap 7ish yf 55 and 364 in t3 fence all ok
  5. Final On Track Whites 548 Yellows 268 238 345 364 587 501 Blues 127 216 463 446 18 Reds 166 212 150 Superstars 217 84 16 55
  6. Heat Two Full Result 55 166 345 587 463 16 548 212 nof
  7. 55 Craig Finnikin wins Heat Two 166 Bobby G spins out the 16 car on the last bend for 2nd place
  8. Restart order 55 16 166 238 345 548 463 587 nor
  9. Three to go red flag 35 rollover on t4 all ok
  10. Restart order 55 16 587 463 166 212 35 345 238 548 217 544 nor
  11. Lap 3 yf 364 stranded on home straight All ok Restart order 548 544 587 501 18 463 446 166 217 5 212 16 55 127 35 216 238 nor
  12. Heat Two On Track Whites 548 Yellows 544 35 238 345 364 587 501 Blues 127 216 463 446 18 Reds 166 212 Superstars 5 217 84 16 55
  13. Heat One Full Result 587 166 55 127 446 212 5 16 544 238 Only first ten Announced.
  14. Restart Order 587 548 127 345 166 16 5 446 84 55 217 18 238 212 544 nor
  15. Lap 4 ish yf 364 stranded on t2 race line + t3 fence repairs all ok
  16. Heat One On Track Whites 548 Yellows 268 544 238 345 364 587 501 Blues 127 216 463 446 18 Reds 166 212 150 Superstars 5 217 84 16 55
  17. Whites and Yellows Full Result 597 268 544 345 238 35 501 67 nof
  18. 587 Sam Brigg wins the first race of the day Second - 268 Richard Woods Third - 544 Ben Howard
  19. Whites and Yellows On Track Whites 548 Yellows 268 544 35 238 345 364 587 501 Novices 67
  20. In The Sheffield Easter Sunday Pits BriSCA F1 5 Charlie Sworder in “Andrews” Car 16 Matt Newson 18 Daniel Ford 35 Neil Shenton 55 Craig Finnikin 67 Henry Robson 84 Tom Harris 127 Austin Moore 150 Mick Sworder 166 Bobby Griffin 212 Danny Wainman 216 Jack France 217 Lee Fairhurst 238 Richard Bryan 268 Richard Woods 345 Jake Harrhy 364 Rob Plant 446 Joe Booth 463 James Morris x 457 Callum Gill 501 George Elwell 544 Ben Howard 548 Daniel Brooke 587 Samuel Brigg BriSCA F2 9 Harley Thackra 34 Ben Woodhull 39 Tom Bradley 136 Kyle Taylor 169 Chloe Clarke 226 Billy Webster 304 Nathan Topliff 307 Tom Lloyd 324 Jordan Thackara x 344 Luke Woodhull 377 Darren Shaw 582 Tomson Streets 588 Mike Kingston 606 Andrew Palmer 708 Carlo Borrescio 810 Levi Nicholson 818 Richard Howarth 880 Jack Witts 896 925 x 926 Joshua Wilson 968 Micky Brennan
  21. 3pm Race 1 Race 1 - BriSCA F1 - Whites & Yellows Race 2 - BriSCA F2 - Heat 1 (All In) Race 3 - BriSCA F1 - Heat 1 (All In) Race 4 - BriSCA F2 - Heat 2 Race 5 - BriSCA F1 - Heat 2 Race 6 - BriSCA F2 - Final Race 7 - BriSCA F1 - Final Race 8 - BriSCA F2 - Grand National Race 9 - BriSCA F1 - Grand National
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