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Profile Information

  • Location
    Malvern, Worcestershire
  • Interests
    Sports: Baseball - MLB
    American Football - NFL
    Football (the mighty Whites)

    Others: collecting vinyl (records)
  • Association with F1
    391 fan since 1973
  • Association with F1 (longer)
    Member of the Stuart Smith Fan Club (Membership number: 391/814) from 1975.
    Returning fan (twice) in 1988 & most recently in 2005. Thanks to Stoxnet & the folks I've met - hopefully this time I'm here to stay :o)
  1. And that happened today at Stiggins Towers! Chuffed - wrapped & unused; I was worried that I may get an ex-rental copy
  2. ebaY item #150496854589
  3. Well I pay to see them all. What's a 'sellers meeting' BTW?
  4. Woahh steady on! For the last shale meeting of the season - a points-free one to boot - I reckon that 30 *is* healthy. Run 2/3rds and have heats of 20 - absolutelty perfect around BV. Two heats of 15 would do for me TBH. And leaving aside your criticism of the drivers for not turning up, please take into account the fact that BV's fence can often need running repairs, not to mention delays for yellows/driver rescue etc. I'm looking forward to seeing 1s, 2s & minis on Sunday - the only way we'd get a shorter meeting is if you did away with one of the formulas.
  5. Well if he turns up with #1 on his wing, they'll have to refuse him entry
  6. I see you put a bid on it though
  7. Yes I think we've already learned that Dave's car needs substantial repair after last weekend. I seem to remember that their target is to be ready for the next Cov meeting!
  8. voila
  9. Apologies for replying to my earlier posting. Rich (and I hope this doesn't embarrass you): Well I finally got my eyes on the DVD set and I have to say that they are absolutely excellent. The camerawork is nothing short of superb throughout. Everyone who I've shown these to during the week have asked me which company produced the discs! What's more, you seem to have a knack for knowing who is leading & being able to follow (or, more accurately, predict!) the major lead changes throughout - all this while trying to film the action. I still can't do that without the added burden of a camera. A huge thank you from me
  10. Ooooh! I'm desperate for a copy of this - any idea when it will be available? TIA
  11. Rich, the DVD set came through today - and they look brilliant - cheers Unfortunately, I won't be able to critique them just yet, because my wife got there first & announced that, because I hadn't told her what I wanted for Christmas, then the DVD set would be *it*. Looks like Boxing Day is sorted then I'll come back here then & add my thanks. .•:*¨¨*:•.Positive Thoughts.•:*¨¨*:•.
  12. I see what you mean Colin - can't see where your hands are, mind .•:*¨¨*:•.Positive Thoughts.•:*¨¨*:•.
  13. But did he get a picture of it?
  14. Good luck Steve; hope everything works out OK for you
  15. I'd love one of these - especially as this was the first WF I went to. Perhaps I could commission Tim to do a new one where Smithy beats DC across the line? I'll be there tomorrow with my wallet! What is Dave Chisholm doing these days BTW?
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