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Scott R

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Everything posted by Scott R

  1. Happy World Book Night! Today is the day when volunteers hand out hundreds of thousands of free books to help get people reading! I'll be marking the event (a little late ) by handing out free copies of David Peace's The Damned United at Belle Vue on Sunday. Keep an eye out and claim your free book!
  2. Last lot of magazines added today. This time from the mid-80s to the mid-90s, with a few extras too! Click here
  3. More Stock Car Magazines added today - this time from the late 90s. Click here
  4. Gold Top: The John Lund Story author Scott Reeves tells us a little bit about his writing and life. What books would he take if he was stranded on a desert island, and how does a woodpecker put him off writing? Meet the Author: Scott Reeves
  5. Some more Stock Car Magazines from the early 2000s added to eBay. Click here
  6. Time for a spring clean... Various issues of Stock Car Magazine from the early 1980s on eBay. Click here
  7. Link here
  8. Thanks to a superhuman effort from out printer, the second print run of Gold Top has arrived a week early! Orders will be sent out over the weekend, and EdCreations will have stock at Belle Vue, Birmingham, Northampton and all other meetings they attend.
  9. Don't forget to come along and see John Lund at the EdCreations stand at the World Final meeting. He'll be signing copies of Gold Top: The John Lund Story. If you've already bought your copy, bring it along! He'll be there from 3.00-3.30 (after F1 practice and before the foreign time trials) on Saturday. Also at some point on Sunday morning too! And I'll be there most of the weekend as well!
  10. Today is the day! The long-awaited and biggest stock car event of the summer is finally here! Gold Top: The John Lund Story is now officially on sale. You can buy your copy direct from the Chequered Flag Publishing website. Alternatively, you can buy trackside wherever the EdCreations merchandise stall is in attendance. I'll be at the World Final on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th September. John Lund will also be making an appearance on both days. Pop along to the EdCreations stall and we'll both happily sign your copy! Already bought one? Bring it along and we'll sign that (or buy another one!)
  11. Wow! There so many pre-orders that we've had to start sending them out early! The first batch were released for despatch today (Saturday), more will follow next week. You'll get an email when yours is on its way. Thanks to everybody who has bought a copy. Hope you enjoy it! The book will be available trackside too. More details to follow next week.
  12. The big F1 event of the year is coming in September! World Final? No, it's the publication of a new stock car book about the eight-time WF winner, John Lund! "Everyone who is a fan knows the John Lund story, right? Think again - Scott Reeves has written a book remarkable for its attention to detail on one of stock car racing's all-time greats." Neil Randon, author of The Sound and the Fury Reserve yours now - copies can be pre-ordered from Chequered Flag Publishing website. FREE P&P to UK addresses.
  13. I've got a few Stock Car Magazines on eBay, ranging from 1987 to 1992, all very good condition. I can't get a direct link to work, but just search for 'stock car magazine' and you'll find them - as well as the other ones from Ant Jenkins and Marky.
  14. I'm seeking any back issues of Stock Car Magazine and Stoxworld going back to 1975 to help research for a future publication. But I can't afford to pay for all those back issues! If there is a good samaritan out there who would be willing to loan me their collection for a week or so, I'd be very happy! I'd be willing to collect and drop off in person as long as it isn't too far from my base (northern/central England, but anywhere is possible), and I'd make sure that you are acknowledged in the publication - and of course, that you get a free copy! Any help would be gratefully received, even if you don't have a full set - every little helps!
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