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Neil R

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  1. Hi everyone First of all, thank you for all the kind words about the book – all are gratefully received! A few people, having come across this thread, have sent me messages asking how they can order the book. The only place you can currently is through my website at www.factoruk.com. Simply click on https://factoruk.com/buy-heavy-metal/ and we'll do our level best to get your book to you asap. In the meantime, stay safe and fingers crossed we are able to enjoy a bumper season of F1 stock car racing this year!
  2. https://factoruk.com/ Watch the extract ( on the link above) from an interview with Willie Harrison for HEAVY METAL, which goes on sale from December 3. Having generated so much interest in the past couple of days, the good news is there is now the opportunity to pre-order the book online via https://factoruk.com/buy-heavy-metal/ Get ready for a good read at Christmas!
  3. SHOCK AND ROAR ON TOUR The weather this weekend looks like being glorious at around 25-26C, so if you need to fan yourself you can always buy a copy of Shock and Roar! We will be selling the book at Skegness both days this weekend (cash only I'm afraid, as we don't currently have the facility to accept cards) and will be positioned in the same spot as the book launch in May – next to the track shop by the entrance. Even if you have already bought a book, feel free to come over and say hello. With 56 BriSCA F1s in attendance and many of the leading names included in the book aiming to get their cars set up for the big one in September, it should be a great weekend with a great atmosphere. Don't miss it! If you are not going to Skegness, you can still buy a copy via www.factoruk.com.
  4. You might be waiting a while mate!
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