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  • Location
    Leamington Spa
  • Interests
    F1 Stock Cars (obviously!!!)
    Cars in general
    Football (The mighty Leamington FC - none of this Premiership rubbish for me)
  • Association with F1
    Fan since 1986...
  • Association with F1 (longer)
    First taken to Cov in August 1986 by mother and father - they generally recognise this as their biggest mistake in my upbringing!!! Have been hooked ever since. Get massive withdrawal symptons in the winter.

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  1. Prices have gone up on the Incarace site by a pound...best change the details in the first item on this thread.
  2. ...and a fireworks display. Top notch for £18...
  3. Oh dear; looks like the F2's might replace the Rebels as the 'taking a look round the pits during the meeting' opportunity. Big shame as when there are plenty of cars the F2's quite often put on a good show there - when there aren't they are tedious and roundy roundy Still, the F1's will more than make up for it!!!
  4. Mouthwatering entry for the F1's that should provide a cracking meeting. In recent memeory I would say that 391 never books in for the WM meeting and usually only turns up if he has won the night before - which is absolutely fair enough (it must be a it of a logistical nightmare to get the right cars to the right tracks with a Shale WF and Tarmac WM) and probably Andy's way of encouraging more people to support him at the WF if they want to see him race at the Masters!!! Shame that there seems to be such a small booking list for the F2's for what is usually a great meeting. I notice as well that their new World Champ is not yet booked in. Would be a shame if he doesn't come but based on the fact he has alreay done 60 odd meetings already this year I would imagine he will turn up. Looking forward to it!!!!!!!
  5. Hi Guys, Have been checking out the Incarace site but as yet no driver listing. Anybody got any ideas as to who is turning up and whther a drivers list will be produced? PS: I know that neither of the SMiths will be there form other threads. Cheers
  6. Hi Guys, Not been before and it is around 15 years since my mate last went ( + he went in on a transporter as a mechanic so didn't pay anyway!!! ) Just wondering how much the admission price is and whether the program is included in the same way it is at Northampton? Cheers Guys and Gals.
  7. Ditto for Dan Squire!!!
  8. Bummer!!! Further to other answers here there are books available if that's what suits you best. A selection can be found at: http://www.pcworld-books.co.uk/catalog/bro...&group=9101 http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_b/026-...ords=cv+writing
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