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  • Location
    New Mills
  • Interests
    Stock cars, bike racing, photography
  • Association with F1
    F1 fan since 1963 (really !)
  • Association with F1 (longer)
    Ex F2 'driver'

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  1. Sorry, numpty posted twice.
  2. I've got one for sale on ebay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/256773480004?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=WRzEX2KvSym&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=WRzEX2KvSym&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY As well as a few other stock car books if you check my other items
  3. I've got one for sale on ebay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/256773480004?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=WRzEX2KvSym&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=WRzEX2KvSym&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY As well as a few other stock car books if you check my other items
  4. I received mine this morning. Only had chance to have a quick look but it is an incredibly impressive piece of work. Well done Carlton, you should be very proud of what you have achieved.
  5. I have for sale a Sealey Viking TC 960 tyre changer If you google it all the details are on Sealeys website. Asking £75 for it Gary - 07717 527833
  6. I have for sale a Pace 0-600lb corner weight gauge. It is missing its original handle but comes with a length of square tube with custom made gaffa tape hand grip which does the job fine. Similar ones are around £300 new. Asking £100 for it. Gary - 07717 527833
  7. Shameless ? Well most of them in the pics wouldnt look out of place in The Horse and Jockey I am the proud owner of one of these fine items and I am 1 Proud to be one of such an exclusive group and 2 Mortified that it is from 2005 - that's seven years ago
  8. It might be a good idea to contact Keith Barber or someone else involved with the heritage racing - may know of somebody interested in buying a car. Contact details are here http://briscaheritage.piczo.com/contacts?c...;linkvar=000044
  9. OMP boots size 7 £20 Overalls The red ones are Sparx and are marked age 14. They are very slightly too short for mine who is about 5'-3" The blue/black ones dont have a size marked but I would think would suit 10 - 12 year old. £15 each All are very little used by workshy apprentice F2 mechanic. We are at KL, BV and Brum so you are welcome to try before you buy. PM or ring 07717 527833. Gary Edit - dont know why the picture of the boots is on twice
  10. Didnt they used to have 'the 100 car meeting' as an annual event at Brafield back in the day ?
  11. Saw this and thought it may be of interest to someone LINK
  12. Try having a look here Link I know the zf box was used in some Bedford CF vans and theres one being broken on here as well as a couple of 'boxes for sale although they dont specify if they are zf may be wortha couple of phone calls. (Yes I am having a boring day at work )
  13. Absolute class Steve Good to see sense of humour fully intact
  14. You should get them from anyone who supplies the seats - Randalls - 01945 420777 Redline - 01484 717792 Demon Tweeks - 0845 3306241 Gary
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