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Everything posted by nic

  1. Heat One On Track Whites 67 Yellows 548 372 216 249 H642 Blues 235 381 25 526 289 H337 H800 Reds 127 191 259 211 Superstars 166 217 97
  2. In the Mildenhall Saturday Euro weekend pits BriSCA F1 StockCars 2 Paul Harrison - Red 5 Charlie Sworder - Superstar - world Champion x H6 Pascal Spigt - Yellow 11 Neil Scriven - Yellow 12 Michael Scriven - Blue H14 Rick Wobbes - Red 16 Matt Newson - Superstar x 18 Daniel Ford - Yellow 20 Liam Gilbank - Red x 21 Mark Gilbank - Red 25 Bradley Harrison - Blue 55 Craig Finnikin - Superstar 67 Henry Robson - White 84 Tom Harris - Superstar - National Points Champion 97 Ryan Harrison - Superstar - British Champion 120 Casey Englestone - Red 124 Kyle Gray - Blue 127 Austin Moore - Red 138 David Polley - Red H152 Gert Jan Klok - Superstar 166 Bobby Griffin - Superstar 172 Michael Randell - Yellow 175 Karl Hawkins - Blue 191 Joshua Smith - Red H210 Peter Susan - Blue 211 Phoebe Wainman-Hawkins - Red 212 Danny Wainman - Red 215 Geoff Nickolls - Yellow 216 Jack France - Yellow 217 Lee Fairhurst - Superstar 235 Mick Haworth - Blue 242 Joe Nickolls - Blue x H248 Mika Ronitz - Blue 249 Jonathon Gibson - Yellow 259 Paul Hines - Red 268 Richard Woods - Blue 289 Jake Walker - Blue 295 Louis Goodwin - White 326 Mark Sargent - Blue 335 Mark Woodhull - Red H337 Dennis Tesselaar - Blue 346 Ashley England - Blue 368 Callum Thornton - Yellow 372 Colin Goodswen - Yellow 381 Tyrone Evans - Blue H389 Mike Sijbers - First ever appearance in F1, raced F2 previously. In MN car 415 Russell Cooper - Yellow x 446 Joe Booth - Red 463 James Morris - Superstar 499 Marc Clayton - White in MN car 501 George Elwell - Blue 502 Richard Wilson - Yellow 515 Frankie Wainman Jnr - Superstar - European Champion 525 Nigel de Kock - Blue 526 Finlay Sargent - Blue 532 Daz Kitson - Yellow 541 Willie Skoyles Jnr - Yellow 545 William Adams - Blue 548 Daniel Brooke - Yellow 555 Frankie Wainman Jnr Jnr - Red 587 Samuel Brigg - Red H592 Auke Osinga - Blue H642 Roel Coenen - Yellow H710 Roy Peetoom - Blue H800 Jaro van der Vondervoort - Blue
  3. Meeting Format First Race 2.30pm Race 1 - 2L National Saloon StockCars - Heat 1 Race 2 - BriSCA F2 StockCars - Heat 1 Race 3 - BriSCA F2 StockCars - Heat 2 Race 4 - BriSCA F2 StockCars - Heat 3 Race 5 - 2L National Saloon StockCars - Heat 2 Race 6 - BriSCA F1 StockCars - Heat 1 Race 7 - BriSCA F1 StockCars - Heat 2 Race 8 - BriSCA F1 StockCars - Heat 3 Race 9 - 2L National Saloon StockCars - Heat 3 Race 10 - BriSCA F2 StockCars - Consolation Race 11 - BriSCA F1 StockCars - Consolation Race 12 - 2L National Saloon StockCars - Heat 4 Race 13 - BriSCA F2 Final - Steve Green Memorial Race 14 - BriSCA F1 Final Race 15 - 2L National Saloon StockCars - Heat 5 Race 16 - BriSCA F2 StockCars - Grand National Race 17 - BriSCA F1 StockCars - Grand National
  4. Roy is back, and I’m here too. All todays races contribute towards points for tomorrow’s European Championship Grid position. As do tomorrow’s Heats. Any driver not in the top 26 points scorers can race in the Sunday consolation for a top 6 finish to qualify for the back 3 rows of the European Championship.
  5. Results Summary BriSCA F1 StockCars Whites & Yellows Winner - 502 Ricky Wilson Second - Russell Cooper Third 218 - Derek Fairhurst 238 35 548 31 499 338 nof Heat 1 Winner - 16 Mat Newson 217 515 31 53 127 2 463 446 364 - 548 34 nof Heat 2 Winner - 84 Tom Harris 212 216 235 166 191 55 35 335 175 - 218 415 499 nof Consolation Winner - 502 Ricky Wilson 499 501 587 73 120 218 548 415 34 nof Final Winner - 16 Mat Newson Second - 587 Sam Brigg Third - 217 Lee Fairhurst 175 53 84 73 35 499 127 - 548 55 463 415 nof Grand National Winner - 212 Danny Wainman 55 217 587 166 16 35 515 501 31 - 127 34 nof BriSCA National MiniStox Whites & Yellows Winner - 180 Lucy Witts Second - 270 Ella-Marie Rogers Third - 216 Alfie Key 267 55 220 24 612 99 299 113 nof Heat 1 Winner - 27 Luke Syrett-Barsby 425 269 732 20 611 183 642 180 270 69 213 216 24 220 Heat 2 Winner - 425 Boden Murfin 269 51 732 155 611 30 279 nof Heat 3 Winner - 270 Ella Rogers 279 27 642 55 180 51 200 300 155 220 99 183 nof Final Winner - 20 Freddie Hunter-Johnson Second - 27 Luke Syrett-Barsby Third - 300 Coby Laing 425 183 51 180 732 269 155 - 267 213 105 279 200 612 24
  6. Grand National Result 212 55 217 587 166 16 35 515 501 31 127 34 nof That’s all folks back next weekend for the European Championship at Mildenhall DOD for me is the 31 car, must have led the most laps today and never pulled offline for any car that caught him up.
  7. 212 Danny Wainman wins the Grand National by just keeping the 55 car out of last bender range!
  8. Restart order 31 35 501 212 34 55 335 166 217 587 515 16 446 499 127 nor
  9. Lap 7 ish yf 53 127 & 548 stranded on t1-2 all ok
  10. Restart order 31 499 548 35 501 53 34 446 335 212 364 166 515 16 55 217 587 127 nor
  11. Restart order 31 499 548 35 268 364 501 53 34 446 175 335 2 127 212 515 166 55 84 217 587 191 73 16 nor
  12. Lap2 yf infield tyre on track on t3 all ok
  13. Grand National On Track Lap Handicap 16 Whites 31 499 Yellow 548 35 Blues 268 364 501 73 175 53 34 Reds 587 127 335 446 191 2 212 Superstars 166 515 55 217 84
  14. Final Full Result 16 587 217 175 53 84 73 35 499 127 - 548 55 463 415 nof
  15. 16 Mat Newson wins the Final 587 Sam Brigg Second 217 Lee Fairhurst and for a top FIVE finish, 53 does a last bender on the 84 car!!!!!
  16. Restart order 16 31 217 55 587 175 73 35 84 53 463 127 548 499 nor
  17. 4 laps to go yf 364 stranded on t4 race line All ok
  18. Restart order 31 217 364 16 587 55ld 73 175 35 502 127 499 548 463 415 84 53 nor
  19. Lap 11 yf action in t2 53 212 127 and 218 involved All ok
  20. Next lap yf 127 stuck in t2 fence and infield tyre on track at exit of t4 all ok
  21. Restart order 31 364 235 73 175 53 212 35 127 587 217 415 2 335 515 548 16 191 84 55 502 463 218 499 nor
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