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Everything posted by nic

  1. Grand National Number 1 of 2 On Track Lap Handicap 16 Whites 499 H389 Yellow 172 548 502 Blues 525 381 346 242 H210 Reds 335 555 2 212 20 211 Superstars 166 217 H152 97
  2. Final Result only First 10 announced 16 2 55 84 5 166 216 217 515 127
  3. That was a proper stock car race!!! Winner - 16 Mat Newson Second - 2 Paul Harrison (last bender on 55) Third - 55 Craig Finnikn
  4. Fence repaired restart order 515 2 16 12 55 5 166 526 127 501 84 175 587 217 216 152 138 242 525 210 120 nor
  5. Final On Track Whites Yellows 372 216 H642 11 541 Blues 525 501 242 526 12 H210 H710 Reds 587 129 127 2 138 191 555 259 H14 Superstars 463 166 515 55 217 84 16 97 H152 5 32 cars all present and correct
  6. Consolation Full Result First 5 to the final 97 555 138 587 H710 - 211 25 335 381 67 548 415 545 nof
  7. 97 Ryan Harrison wins the consolation with a firm hit on the leading 555 car with one lap to go
  8. Restart order 502 555 710 289 138 97 211 587 800 335 67 545 381 415 25 548 389
  9. Half way yf 499 hooked up on back straight fence all ok
  10. Restart order 502 499 124 H710 235 415ld 138 555 587 289 H800 25 548 67 211 381 H389 335 97 545 nor
  11. Nearly halfway ish yf 20 & H337 in t3 fence all ok
  12. Consolation On Track Whites 67 H389 499 Yellows 172 215 368 415 502 548 Blues 25 124 235 268 289 H337 346 381 545 H710 H800 Reds 20 138 211 212 335 555 587 SuperStars 97 DNS 295 249 532 326 H248 H592
  13. Heat Three Full Result 55 5 501 120 16 463 242 11 175 - 532 555 212 138 nof DNS 389 pulled of on rolling lap
  14. Heat Three On Track Whites 499 H389 Yellows 215 502 11 532 Blues 545 501 326 242 175 H710 Reds 120 138 555 212 Superstars 463 55 16 5
  15. Heat 2 Full Result First 9 to the final 84 525 515 2 H152 12 H14 541 H210 - 346 172 nof
  16. Restart order 525 84 515 H152 2 346 12 H14 172 415 H210 541 335 nor
  17. 2 to go red flag big big roll over on back straight by H592 driver ok, straight out of car and waving to the crowd
  18. restart order 525 515 84 541 335 H152 2 346 H592 12 172 415 H210 H14 nor
  19. Restart order 541 525 368 12 515 335 H14 H210 84 415 346 2 H152 172 H592 nor
  20. Heat Two On Track Whites 295 Yellows 368 172 415 541 Blues 268 525 124 346 12 H210 H592 Reds 587 335 2 20 H14 Superstars 515 84 H152
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