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Everything posted by nic

  1. Lap 5 ish yf 590 stranded by starter All ok
  2. Whites & Yellows on Track Whites 548 336 453 360 299 Yellows 78 31 499 45 172 215 415 338 541 108 268 Novices 359+ 469+ 590+
  3. 590 Andrew Yull (First 2023 appearance) in FWJ car Doing his 5 laps
  4. In the King’s Lynn pits. X denotes I did not see them BriSCA F1 StockCars (0-0-0) (Appearances-Race Wins - Final Wins - points) Stats from Stoxnet Results and Points Whites 299 Nathan Harrison (5-0-0-0) 336 Trevor Queenan (First 2023 appearance) in FWJ car 359 Matt Abdy (1-0-0-0) 360 Billy Adby (First 2023 appearance) in FWJ car 453 Thomas Andrew (3-0-0-4) 469 Jonathon Davison (1-0-0-1) 548 Daniel Brooke’s (14-1-0-22) 590 Andrew Yull (First 2023 appearance) in FWJ car Yellows 31 Oliver Wadsworth (5-0-0-34) 45 Nigel Harrhy (6-0-0-14 78 Lewis Galer (First 2023 appearance) 108 Peter Hobs (1-0-0-0) 172 Micky Randell (8-0-0-52) 215 Geoff Nickolls (5-0-0-11) 268 Richard Woods (14-1-0-32) 338 Chris Brocksopp (5-0-0-16) 415 Russell Cooper (14-0-0-55) 499 Marc Clayton (10-1-0-50) 541 Willie Skoyles Junior (6-0-0-17) Blues 93 Sam Makim (10-0-0-70) 120 Casey Englestone (13-1-0-128) 124 Kyle Gray (11–2-0-92) 185 Lenny Smith (4-0-0-65) 289 Jake Walker (7-0-0-66) X 346 Ashley England (6-0-0-65) 381 Tyrone Evans (4-0-0-31) 545 William Adams (8-0-0-34) Reds 20 Liam Gilbank (14-0-0-185) 127 Austin Moore (13-1-0-154) 175 Karl Hawkins (12-0-0-151 463 James Morrison (14-1-0-275) in MN car 501 George Elwell (11-2-1-186) 587 Sam Brigg (12-5-1-177) Superstars 5 Charlie Sworder (11-0-0-191) in new self built car 16 Mat Newson (20-5-3-581) 55 Craig Finnikin (15-11-2-357) 84 Tom Harris (18-24-4-681) 97 Ryan Harrison (4-4-1-87) 166 Bobby Griffin (14-1-1-291) 217 Lee Fairhurst (13-3-0-322) 515 Frankie Wainman Junior (16-1-1-380)
  5. Meeting Format and Dave Leonard Memorial Trophy history First Race 5pm Race 1 = BriSCA F2 StockCars - Heat 1 Race 2 = BriSCA F1 StockCars - Whites & Yellows Race 3 = BriSCA F2 StockCars - Heat 2 Race 4 = BriSCA F1 StockCars - Heat 1 Race 5 = Unlimited Bangers - Heat 1 Race 6 = BriSCA F1 StockCars - Heat 2 Race 7 = BriSCA F2 StockCars - Heat 3 Race 8 = BriSCA F1 StockCars - Heat 3 Race 9 = Unlimited Bangers - Heat 2 Race 10 = BriSCA F1 StockCars - Dave Leonard Memorial Final Race 11 = BriSCA F2 StockCars - Final Race 12 = BriSCA F1 StockCars - Grand National Race 13 = BriSCA F2 StockCars - Grand National Race 14 = Unlimited Bangers - Final & DD Previous Dave Leonard Memorial Trophy Winners 2016 - 445 Nigel Green 2017 - 172 Micky Randell 2018 - 544 Ben Howard 2019 - Cancelled 2020 - Covid 2021 - 197 Ryan Harrison 2022 - 217 Lee Fairhurst 2023 - ?
  6. It’s nic and Roy tonight from an overcast breazy BriSCA Formula 1 meeting.
  7. Final Result Winner - 36uk Jordon Falding Second - 6 Gert-Jan Keijzer Third - 124 Wim Peeters 47 482 195 97 48uk 318 393 - 5 71 99 220 248 16 14 999 217 2 229 DNF 12 48 106 219 240 481 That’s all Folks! Big Thank You to Hary
  8. Heat 3 Result Winner - 393 Gert Elzinga (195 Harmen Zwerver was winner - disqualified - failed scrutineering 47 124 97 12 229 48uk 5 217 - 240 99 248 2 16 48 318 999 220 DNF 14 36uk 106 482
  9. Heat 2 Result Winner - 5 Jeroen As van 36uk 48uk 6 124 47 217 240 393 482 - 999 481 48 318 99 97 16 14 71 106 2 248 220 DNF 12 195 219 229
  10. Heat 1 Result Winner - 482 Peter Bosch van den 12 240 48uk 124 2 47 6 48 217 - 393 229 71 36uk 248 16 195 220 318 99 5 14 999 219 481 DNF 106 FYI 36uk is Jordon Falding 48uk is Shaun Webster
  11. Another big thank you to Hary for the results from a very hot Venray
  12. Results Summary BriSCA F1 StockCars Whites & Yellows Winner - 80 Jack Hall 31 35 295 424 350 238 nof Heat 1 Winner - 217 Lee Fairhurst 84 515 259 289 216 249 212 335 545 238 nof Heat 2 Winner - 55 Craig Finnikin 2 16 502 555 463 525 93 157 - 20 166 44 548 53 nof Consolation Winner - 67 Henry Robson 53 175 35 364 73 238 211 268 350 - 299 295 nof Final Winner - 249 Joff Gibson Second - 84 Tom Harris Third - 502 Ricky Wilson 212 55 217 525 515 259 16 - 463 2 20 175 335 nof Grand National Winner - 216 Jack France 217 212 525 515 289 20 587 166 175 - 44 93 499 nof BriSCA National MiniStox Heat 1 Winner - 300 Coby Laing 158 69 732 425 55 27 611 269 51 - 20 183 105 200 189 Heat 2 Winner - 267 Jack Simonds 425 269 20 180 51 279 183 711 27 - 732 158 200 611 69 Heat 3 Winner - 300 Coby Laing 269 425 183 20 69 27 180 158 732 - 105 279 711 611 507 Final Winner - 425 Boden Murfin Second - 300 Coby Laing Third - 27 Luke Syrett-Barsby 20 269 183 69 180 279 158 - 267 611 270 732 711
  13. Grand National Result 216 217 212 525 515 289 20 587 166 175 - 44 93 499 nof That’s all Folks Back next week from King’s Lynn
  14. NAPA NAPA NAPA 216 Jack France wins the Grand National
  15. Restart order 216 93ld 289 212 217 525 515 166 20 175 587 238 44 499 nor
  16. Lap 11 ish yf 295 on home straight All ok
  17. Restart order 216 289 212 525 44 217 16 515 587 166 20 93 211 175 238 31 295 499 nor
  18. About halfway Cars going on all directions yf for 212 on t2 exit race line or maybe infield tyre on home straight track all ok
  19. Restart order 44 548 424 67 31 502 364 216 268 289 93 335 525 587 53 238 499 20 2 212 295 211 55 175 166 217 16 555 515 235 453 nor
  20. Lap 2 yf 84 on the 463 bonnet in t2 exit all ok
  21. Grand National On Track Whites 424 44 67 453 548 44 Yellow 295 31 499 502 238 268 364 Blues 216 289 235 93 335 53 525 Reds 2 20 175 211 212 463 555 587 Superstars 16 55 84 166 217 515
  22. Final Result 249 84 502 212 55 217 525 515 259 16 - 463 2 20 175 335 nof
  23. 249 Joff Gibson wins the final after surviving a last bender from the 84 car to a very loud cheering crowd! Second - 84 Tom Harris Third - 502 Ricky Wilson
  24. complete restart without 53 73 157 216 268 350 545
  25. Next lap yf 20 car on t1/t2 fence 350 spun on home straight and got collected and taken into t1 fence hard. both ok
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