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Everything posted by nic

  1. Restart order 147 287 8 408 73 484 48 2 381 515 212 120 211 166 11 132 5 229 16 463 47 318 498 195 127 and etc etc
  2. Grand National On Track in memory of Tom Collins Lap Handicap 84 Whites 86 161 147 Yellows 195 287 368 452 484 Blues 11 73 120 124 216 381 408 498 526 141 Reds 2 47 48 127 211 212 H229 H318 463 Superstars 5 16 166 515 Novices 30+ 86+ 388+ 505+ 559+ 132y 327y
  3. Grand National Result Winner - 818 Luuk van der Hoeven 7 524 699 226 99 603 dnf 100 172 179 236 410 604 642 That’s all Folks Big Thank to Hary
  4. Ray Tyldesley Memorial Final result 84 48 515 408 2 242 166 11 484 H318 287 212
  5. 84 Tom Harris wins the meeting final and Ray Tyldesley Memorial Trophy Second - 48 Shaun Webster Third - 515 Frankie Wainman Junior
  6. Restart order 48 84 515 408 211 2 242 212 11 166 318 484 141 505 287 nor
  7. 1 lap to go yf I’m told third hand Debris on the track
  8. 4 to go yf 263 in t2 fence and 8 car on fire all ok restart order 48 515 84 408 2 166 212 20 242 484 211 11 H318 368 287 141 505 nor
  9. Restart order 48 515 8 408 84 2 263 166 242 212 5 20 484 211 287 368 H318 141 505 11 nor
  10. Just past half way red flag 191 engine blue up into flames All ok
  11. Restart order 263 48 2 484 408 8 242 368 515 191 5 166 287 20 11 H318 211 505 25 141 212 84 nor
  12. Lap 3 yf 132 and 269 tangled on don t1 race line all ok
  13. Ray Tyldesley Memorial Final on track Whites 147 263 Yellows 132 141 269 287 295 300 368 452 484 Blues 8 11 25 124 242 408 Reds 2 20 48 191 211 212 H229 H318 Superstars 5 16 84 166 515 Novices 505+
  14. Final Result Winner - 56 Jorn Adema Second - 604 Steran van Hossum Third - 79 Louw de Vries 236 100 410 818 699 642 524 - 603 609 204 226 95 337 dnf 7 31 99 113 132 172 179 210
  15. Heat 3 Result Winner - 609 Robin de Ruiter 79 100 56 337 699 7 818 95 642 - 603 524 113 204 132 dnf 31 99 172 210 226 236 410 604
  16. Heat 2 Result Winner - 410 Jelle Tesselaar 56 604 79 236 524 642 172 603 204 - 132 99 337 226 dnf 7 31 95 100 113 179 210 318 609 699
  17. Consolation Result 147 242 166 408 368 73 191 20 H318 211 - 463 388 dnf 47 86 120 127 128 216 381 498 526 559 First 10 to the Final
  18. 147 Eddie Collins wins the consolation after 368 tangled with back marker on the back straight on the last lap.
  19. Consolation On Track Whites 226 161 86 147 128 Yellows 195 368 Blues 73 120 216 242 381 408 498 526 Reds 127 211 20 191 463 47 H318 Superstars 166 Novices 30+ 388+ 559+
  20. Heat 1 Result Winner - 56 Jorn Adema 100 604 609 79 210 226 410 699 99 - 172 113 95 524 642 7 DNF 31 85 132 179 204 236 337 603 818
  21. Heat 2 Result 263 300 269 452 132 484 287 295 141 505 - 226 388 132 was docked 2 places for jumping a restart dnf 86 128 147 161 195 327 368 First 10 to the Final
  22. 263 Chris Worrall wins the Steve Froggatt Trophy and Heat 2 (His first BriSCA F1 race win)
  23. Restart order 263 147 269 300 132 505 484 452 295 287 559 229 141 30 388 nor
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