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Everything posted by nic

  1. Lap 10 ish yf 55 wheel detached from his car all ok restart order 217 1 530 16ld 457 515 212 545 289 20 216 67 53 78 525 587 414 nor
  2. Helter Skelter on track Lap Handicap 16 Whites 44 299 469 580 67 414 Yellows 78 545 Blues 53 446 289 216 457 Reds 525 501 587 Superstars 55 Shooters 217 20 515 1 212 Novices 530w+
  3. F2 Shoot out top 3 183 Charlie Guinchard 7 Gordon Moodie 647 Chris Burgoyne
  4. F2 Helter Skelter result 995 647 880 47 346 560 223 618 183 136
  5. Final sponsored by “American Racer” result 16 55 289 525 530 217 nof
  6. Final Top Three sponsored by “American Racer” 16 Mat Newson 55 Craig Finnikin 289 Jake Walker
  7. 6 to go yf all ok restart order 55 16 289 235 501 53 545 525 414 530 nor
  8. Half way yf all ok restart order 55 16 457 20 289 53 501 530 235 525 545 414 nor
  9. 2 laps later yf all ok restart order 67 268 216 55 457 217 587 1 16 466 501 525 548 20 289 53 414 235 469 545 530 nor
  10. Lap 3 ish yf all ok restart order 67 548 268 469 216 545 457 55 587 466 217 16 78 501 1 212 525 289 20 53 299 414 530 235 nor
  11. Meeting final on track sponsored by “American Racer” Whites 469 67 163 580 414 299 548 Yellows 78 235 268 545 Blues 53 216 289 446 457 Reds 525 501 587 Superstars 55 Shooters 1 16 20 212 217 515 Novices 530w+
  12. F2 Final result 880 183 968 7 995 223 647 560 346 524
  13. Heat 3 Result 216 1 217 16 55 20 53 501 35 530 235 44 548 299 414
  14. Lap 10 ish yf all ok restart order 216 163 185 1 501 217 16 20 53 235 44 55 35 548 299 530 414 nor
  15. Lap 4 ish yf all ok restart order 163 548 499 364 55 185 501 H54 16 1 217 20 44 299 388 53 35 530 414 nor
  16. Heat 3 on track Whites 44 299 580 163 548 414 Yellows 268 364 499 35 582 H54 235 Blues 185 53 216 Reds 525 501 Superstars 55 Shooters 217 20 515 16 1 Novices 530w+ 388w+
  17. Heat 1 result amendment from race control 1 217 216 78 H54 446 587 16 2 457 - 212 414 364 469 44 nof
  18. Heat 2 Result 55 515 163 78 587 525 289 20 268 235 446 548 469 499 545 457
  19. Lap 6 ish yf all ok restart order 163 499 78 582 55 457 469 446 515 525 587 2 289 530 20 235 268 548 404 545 388 nor
  20. Heat 2 on track Whites 404 163 548 530 67 469 Yellows 78 268 545 499 235 582 Blues 211 185 446 289 457 53 Reds 525 587 Superstars 55 Shooters 2 463 20 515 212 Novices 388w+
  21. F2 heat 2 result 880 58 183 995 223 47 346 524 618 968
  22. F2 Heat 1 result 136 38 7 992 488 560 344 213 979 377
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