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Everything posted by nic

  1. Lap 3 ish yf top 3 129 47 7
  2. F2 British Championship Grid - closed (25 laps) 183 - 129 186 - 7 3 - 47 968 - 414 69 - 346 995 - 58 618 - 527 674 - 118 560 - 324 647 - 992 578 - 9 615 - 588 H124 - 24 103 - 104 344 - 926 818 - 795 39 - 34 464 - 271
  3. Final Result 1 515 97 56 446 235 259 175 372 124 335 216
  4. Tonights Final Top Three are 1 Tom Harris 97 Ryan Harrison 515 Frankie Wainman Junior That was flat out racing.
  5. Restart order 235 414 372 228 457 545 446 120 97 259 124 1 515 138 463 55 175 580 548 335 H418 216 nor
  6. Lap 3 yf debri on track - race car tyre all ok
  7. Final on track Whites 414 228 Yellows 580 453 82 545 268 235 372 Blues 554 127 335 120 446 457 Reds 124 H418 216 463 259 Superstars 345 175 138 55 515 16 97 1
  8. F2 British Championship Heat 7 (Last heat) Winner - 968 Micky Brennan
  9. Consolation result 55 457 124 335 554 127 352 228 580 548 nof
  10. 55 Craig Finnikin wins the Consolation after long time leader 457 went wide on the last bend of the last lap and 55 stayed on the racing line.
  11. Restart order 228 457 499 124 335 55 554 127 282 580 352 469 435 548 63 nor
  12. Consolation on track Whites 301 63 228 Yellows 580 469 215 131 548 499 Blues 554 352 127 335 457 Reds 124 Superstars 55 Novices 435+ 282+
  13. F2 British Championship Heat 5 Winner - 129 Charlie Tomblin Heat 6 Winner - 7 Gordon Moodie (Defending British Champion)
  14. Heat 2 Result 97 1 16 216 453 372 414 268 259 120 - nof
  15. Ryan Harrison wins heat 2, Tom Harris took the lead from 97 with about 5 to go, then on the last lap, 1 was hindered by a back marker, lost momentum and Ryan drove by.
  16. Restart order 268 554 55 97 1 259 120 335 216 532 372 16 352 414 453 548 nor
  17. About half way 63 car died on home straight all ok
  18. Heat 2 on track Whites 414 63 228 Yellows 453 268 499 372 548 532 Blues 554 352 335 120 Reds 216 259 Superstars 55 16 97 1 Novices
  19. F2 British Championship Heat 3 Winner - 346 Ashley England Heat 4 Winner - 271 Alex Butcher
  20. Heat 1 result 515 446 463 138 H418 545 235 345 82 175 - 580 301 dnf 127 131 215 457
  21. 515 Frankie Wainman Junior wins heat 1 from a chasing 446 Joe Booth
  22. Heat 1 on Track Whites 301 Yellows 580 469 82 235 215 131 545 Blues 127 446 457 Reds 124 H418 463 Superstars 345 175 138 515 Novices
  23. F2 British Championship Heat 1 Winner - 3 Liam Rennie Heat 2 Winner - 129 Charlie Tomblin
  24. Whites and Yellows result 235 372 82 453 93 545 268 499 nof
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