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Everything posted by nic

  1. Meeting Format Pit Gate 1pm Carpark open 2.30pm Gates open 3pm First Race 5pm Race 1 - BriSCA F1 - Heat 1 (First 8 to the final) Race 2 - BriSCA F1 - Heat 2 (First 8 to the final) Race 3 - 1300 Saloon Stock Cars - Heat 1 Race 4 - 1600cc Bangers - Heat 1 Race 5 - BriSCA F1 - Consolation (First 10 to the final) Race 6 - 1300 Saloon Stock Cars - Heat 2 Race 7 - 1600cc Bangers - Heat 2 Race 8 - BriSCA F1 - Final - Dave Berresford Memorial Trophy Race 9 - 1300 Saloon - Final Race 10 - BriSCA F1 - Grand National Race 11 - 1600cc Bangers Final and DD
  2. Greetings BriSCA F1 Stock Car fans just me this weekend and it’s sunny.
  3. Final Result Winner - 318 Rik Lenssen Second - 106 Patrick Kleijsen Third - 119 Bo Pepels UK408 999 UK464 299 6 124 229 - 393 48 71 195 400 UK48 141 97 482 333 2 665 242 dnf 12 90 99 461 481 Big Thank You to Hary That’s all Folks!
  4. Final Grid Whites 2 - 90 Yellows 119 - 106 71 - 665 999 - 5 Blues 318 - 999 12 - 318??? 461 - 333 299 - 97 481 - 48 482 Reds 400 - UK464 393 - UK48 141 - UK408 195 - 99 248 SuperStars 6 - 124 228
  5. Heat 3 Result Winner - 318 Rik Lenssen 106 124 119 6 400 12 229 999 UK464 - UK48 141 97 461 195 55 665 481 48 248 2 90 299 dnf 71 333 393 UK408 482
  6. Heat 2 Result Winner - 119 Bo Pepels 999 318 665 461 106 UK48 6 12 UK464 - UK408 71 97 124 400 393 141 248 299 195 - 333 48 99 481 482 2 dnf 5 90 229
  7. Heat 1 Result Winner 318 Rik Lenssen 393 71 124 6 400 333 UK464 299 229 - 141 999 UK408 195 482 119 481 461 106 99 UK48 48 97 665 90 dnf 2 5 12 248
  8. Greetings race fans Another Big Big Thank You to Hary UK drivers in attendance are UK48 Shaun Webster UK 408 Ant Whorton-Eales UK464 Luke Davidson + 24 Dutch drivers
  9. Final Result Winner - 600 Bram Klaver Second - Janbauke van Kalsbeek Third - Gert Jan Klok 79 496 453 161 40 102 236 - 6 332 618 61 27 484 36 76 14 337 272 95 87 155 410 104 259 179 That’s all Folks Thank you Hary Back tomorrow from Venray
  10. Final Grid 500 - 777 259 - 95 272 6 - 35 102 - 496 104 - 498 179 36 161 - 35 87 - 337 332 - 76 484 152 - 79 40 - 14 236 - 661 27 - 56 453 - 410 418 - 155 61 - 181 618 - 16
  11. Heat 1 Winner - 453 Jacob de Vries 161 35 40 661 61 79 348 14 104 - 272 777 337 808 625 dnf 56 100 181 239 317 332 436 484 500 609 618 Heat 2 Winner - 75 Janbauke van Kalsbeek 67 155 152 418 410 76 236 87 496 - 6 16 dnf 27 36 79 81 88 95 102 141 143 215 259 512 800 911 Heat 3 Winner - 453 Jacob de Vries 79 40 27 155 61 102 337 777 496 dnf 35 56 75 95 100 239 317 332 348 436 618 625 661 808 911 Heat 4 Winner - 87 Maarten Broekman 161 152 410 500 236 14 6 418 259 - 36 16 104 179 272 181 dnf 76 215 512 609 Heat 5 Winner - 322 Nathalie Wekema 6 75 618 56 418 40 27 236 95 - 61 484 102 155 911 88 348 87 436 dnf 76 81 100 496 808
  12. Greetings F1 Stock Car fans Results from Hary, Thank You
  13. Meeting Summary BriSCA F1 Stock Cars Whites and Yellows Winner - 235 Mick Howarth 372 82 453 93 545 268 499 nof Heat 1 Winner - 515 Frankie Wainman Junior 446 463 138 H418 545 235 345 82 175 - 580 301 Heat 2 Winner - 97 Ryan Harrison 1 16 216 453 372 414 268 259 120 nof Consolation Winner - 55 Craig Finnikin 457 124 335 554 127 352 228 580 548 nof Final - Winner - 1 Tom Harris Second - 97 Ryan Harrison Third - 515 Frankie Wainman Junior 55 446 235 259 175 372 124 - 335 216 Grand National Winner - 1 Tom Harris 16 55 138 515 175 463 259 120 453 - 345 268 BriSCA F2 StockCars British Championship (3 from 7 heats - top 20 score points) Heat 1 Winner - 3 Liam Rennie 414 992 186 588 560 344 24 58 941 618 795 104 205 213 223 22 926 790 nof Heat 2 Winner - 129 Charlie Tomblin 103 995 324 7 43 527 113 39 578 69 674 818 888 34 nof Heat 3 Winner - 346 Ashley England 183 47 647 9 615 414 213 941 464 223 795 58 588 790 nof Heat 4 Winner - 271 Alex Butcher 968 700 618 324 69 992 104 995 186 7 527 3 926 344 75 818 24 39 547 Heat 5 Winner - 129 Charlie Tomblin 183 58 47 H124 118 674 464 578 H410 210 34 810 346 nof Heat 6 Winner - 7 Gordon Moodie 186 560 722 69 527 9 926 818 888 24 995 795 414 39 223 80 700 588 ? Heat 7 Winner - 968 Micky Brennan 118 183 3 647 615 674 H124 618 47 346 578 34 129 H410 183 104 nof British Championship Winner - 47 Greg McKenzie Second - 7 Gordon Moodie Third - 129 Charlie Tomblin 24 69 968 615 324 992 795
  14. Grand National Result 1 16 55 138 515 175 463 259 120 453 - 345 268 Back next week for the weekender at Bradford That’s all folks!
  15. 1 Tom Harris easily wins the Grand National with the 1 lap Handicap
  16. Restart order 446 268 414 63 138 372 16 463 124 259 1 55 515 175 120 453 345 282 nor
  17. Lap 2 yf all ok restart order 414 63 228 268 235 446 372 131 127 418 138 259 16 554 124 345 120 55 216 175 282 515 1 453 nor
  18. Grand National On track Lap Handicap 1 Whites 435 414 228 63 Yellows 131 235 268 372 453 545 580 Blues 120 127 446 554 Reds 124,216 259 H418 463 Superstars 345 175 138 55 515 16 Novices 282
  19. 2024 F2 British Championship Top Three 47 Greg McKenzie 1 Gordon Moodie 129 Charlie Tomblin
  20. Next lap yf Top 3 47 7 129
  21. Lap 12 ish 186 rollover - red flag 🚩 all ok Top 3 47 7 3
  22. Lap 10 ish yf Top 3 47 7 3
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