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Everything posted by nic

  1. 1 Tom Harris drove off into the distance to win the Final and Dave Berresford Memorial Trophy Very distant second - 97 Ryan Harrison Third - 16 Mat Newson
  2. Restart order 235 1 97 93 16 etc etc
  3. Lap 12 ish ish yf 95 on back straight all ok
  4. Final on track for the Dave Berresford Memorial Trophy Whites 44 530 Yellows 469 350 235 93 532 Blues 554 163 157 127 525 457 Reds 95 H418 H410 216 20 463 259 Superstars 345 175 217 55 515 16 97 1 dns 532 No reserve as it’s a WCQR
  5. Consolation Result Amendment from race control 217 H418 175 20 95 235 93 532 530 44 469 350 and first 12 to the final
  6. Consolation Result 217 - In Goodswen car, H418 175 95 93 532 530 44 469 350 - 20 235 dnf H40 124 268 337 404 414 453
  7. 217 Lee Fairhurst wins the consolation after losing the lead to a very fast H418, but 217 capitalised on a H418 mistake coming out of t2 for the win
  8. Restart order 217 H418 175 124 95 93 532 20 44 235 530 469 350 79 nor
  9. About 5 to go yf 414 stranded just off the race line on t2
  10. Restart order 530 217 44 175 H418 532 414 124 95 469 79 93 350 235 20 nor
  11. About half way - red flag 268 roll over on t1/t2 All ok
  12. Consolation on track Whites 44 404 530 414 Yellows 469 453 79 268 350 235 93 532 337 Blues 446 Reds 124 95 H418 20 H40 (with new silver wing) Superstars 175 217 Novices
  13. Heat 2 Result H410 1 55 16 525 157 554 259 - 175 268 20 44 dnf H40 235 404 530
  14. Dejavu - probably spelt wrong Tom has thwarted by a back marker going into the last bend on the last lap for H410 Jelle Tesselaar to come through for the win to a cheering crowd!!
  15. Restart order H140 554 525 157 268 414 55 1 16 259 175 235 20 95 530 453 nor
  16. On restart lap on back straight roll over by H40 all ok
  17. Restart order 268 414 554 H410 157 525 235 55 H40 1 16 259 175 453 20 530 95 nof
  18. Lap 4 ish yf 404 in t3 fence all ok
  19. Heat 2 on track Whites 404 530 414 Yellows 453 268 235 Blues 554 157 525 Reds 95 H410 20 259 H40 Superstars 175 55 16 1 Novices
  20. Heat 1 Result 97 457 463 515 345 216 127 163 - 532 44 350 H418 217 nof
  21. 97 Ryan Harrison wins heat 1 by a quarter of a lap, after 457 chose a different line on the restart, delaying the chasing pack, and on the next bend the chasing pack tangled with each other, making it an easy 2nd for the 457 car.
  22. Restart order 97 457 216 515 463 H418 217 345 163 93 532 127 44 350 nor
  23. 3 to go yf 375 in t4 fence all ok
  24. Heat 1 on Track Whites 44 375 Yellows 469 79 350 93 532 Blues 163 127 446 457 Reds 124 418 216 463 Superstars 345 217 515 97
  25. In the Bradford WCQR pits X denotes I did not see them Superstar Grade X 1 Tom Harris - 9th appearance 16 Mat Newson - 13th appearance 55 Craig Finnikin - 9th appearance X 97 Ryan Harrison - 6th appearance 175 Karl Hawkins - 13th appearance 217 Lee Fairhurst - 5th appearance 345 Jake Harrhy - 14th appearance 515 Frankie Wainman Junior - 13th appearance Star Grade 20 Liam Gilbank - 8th appearance H40 Mark Tesselaar - 1st 2024 appearance 95 Rob Mitchell - 7th appearance 124 Karl Gray - 12th appearance 216 Jack France - 14th appearance 259 Paul Hines - 11th appearance H410 Jelle Tesselaar - 2nd appearance H418 Neils Tesselaar - 3rd appearance 463 James Morris in MN car - 9th appearance X 555 Frankie Wainman Junior Junior - 4th appearance A Grade 93 Sam Makin - 3rd appearance 127 Austin Moore - 4th appearance 157 Adam Joyce 163 Mark Balmer - 6th appearance 446 Joe Booth - 8th appearance 457 Callum Gill 525 Nigel de Kock - 4th appearance X 554 Sierd de Vries - 7th appearance B Grade 79 Neil Long - 2nd appearance X 235 Mick Howarth - 5th appearance 268 Richard Woods - 8th appearance 337 Dave Willis - 1st 2024 appearance 350 Hannah Andrew - 4th appearance 453 Thomas Andrew - 13th appearance 469 Jonathon Davison - 4th appearance 532 Daz Kitson - 3rd appearance X 580 Marty Allman - 6th appearance C Grade 44 Tom Brown - 2nd appearance X 63 Thomas Balmer - 5th appearance 375 Craig Liddle - 5th appearance 404 Danny Mitchell - 3rd appearance 414 Harley Halton - 3rd appearance 530 Darren Sheen
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