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Everything posted by nic

  1. It’s another easy win for 55 Craig Finnikin, your heat 3 winner
  2. Restart order 55 163 446 544 16 515 216 138 463 35 350 44 453 nor
  3. Restart order 18 163 55 446 554 515 16 216 463 138 35 350 44 548 453 nor
  4. Heat 3 on track Whites 44 548 295 453 404 82 163 Yellows 350 499 18 131 544 35 Blues 446 Reds 216 138 463 Superstars 515 55 16 Novices 63
  5. Heat 2 result 55 175 345 95 554 548 63 263 295 nof
  6. 55 Craig Finnikin easily wins heat 2
  7. Restart order 55 63ld 175 263ld 345 95 554 295 548 375 nor
  8. 4 to go red flag 131 roll over on home straight All ok
  9. Restart order 548 18 95 55 295 345 375 175 263 554 131 63 nor
  10. Lap 4 red flag 404 roll over after hitting t3 fence all ok
  11. Restart order 548 375 295 404 18 95 544 131 345 175 212 55 364 263 63 nor
  12. Lap 2 yf 138 and 157 tangled on home straight All ok
  13. Heat 2 On track Whites 295 404 548 375 Yellows 263 95 364 18 554 131 Blues 345 157 175 Reds 138 Superstars 212 55 Novices 63
  14. Heat 1 result 16 212 463 446 95 175 345 44 499 515 nof
  15. Lap 10 ish yf all ok restart order 16 345 212 463 95 446 515 175 499 263 44 nor
  16. Restart order 95 16 530 345 212 463 446 175 375 499 350 515 44 263 nor
  17. Lap 7 ish yf 35 riding the t1 fence and ending up on his side resting on the 163 car all ok
  18. Lap 3 yf all ok restart order 82 530 163 95 375 35 446 345 216 515 350 175 etc etc
  19. Heat 1 On Track Whites 530 44 375 82 163 Yellows 263 350 95 499 35 Blues 345 446 175 Reds 216 463 Superstars 515 212 16
  20. Whites and Yellows Result Winner - 18 Daniel Ford Second - 35 Neil Shenton Third - 554 Sierd de Vries 364 350 375 263 530 163 nof
  21. 18 Daniel Ford wins the first race of the night, the whites and yellows race.
  22. About halfway yf all ok restart order 82 163 404 18 499 554 350 35 131 364 548 63 375 263 530 nor
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