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Everything posted by nic

  1. Results Summary BriSCA F1 Heat 1 Winner - 339 Anthony Lee 345 147 408 12 124 16 97 212 216 Heat 2 Winner - 1 Tom Harris 175 217 515 48 551 166 20 120 295 Consolation Winner - 5 Charlie Sworder 242 526 498 73 22 381 453 530 452 Final Winner - 345 Jake Haary Second - 295 Louis Goodwin Third - 175 Karl Hawkins 5 1 124 217 498 16 408 Grand National Winner - 1 Tom Harris 217 166 16 212 73 515 12 259 381 BriSCA F2 Heat 1 Winner - 581 Daniel Fellows 7 501 3 213 381 992 16 355 461 Heat 2 Winner - 127 Matt Stoneman 101 286 647 390 97 674 200 560 976 Consolation Winner - 161 Ben Bale 183 12 776 382 801 547 980 924 315 Final Winner - 286 Casey Jay-Jones Second - 183 Charlie Guinchard Third - 647 Chris Burgoyne 7 581 24 3 127 161 992 Grand National 1 Winner - 127 Matt Stoneman 7 161 647 387 674 16 101 924 605 Grand National 2 Winner - 381 Sam Hooker 3 24 560 727 183 35 9 801 960 BriSCA National MiniStox Heat 1 Winner - 496 Thomas Holcroft Second - 425 Boden Murfin Third - 20 Freddie Hunter-Johnson 611 155 80 51 174 81 30 Heat 2 Winner - 174 Finley Kew Second - 81 Kai Rushby Third - 99 Jack Clayton 20 425 155 80 51 174 81 30 Final Winner - 81 Kai Rushby Second - 174 Finley Kew Third - 496 Thomas Holcroft 99 423 80 51 183 611 507
  2. Final Result Winner - 800 Jaro van de Vondervoort Second - 20 Bert de Vries Third - 75 Janbauke van Kalsbeek 141 6 410 453 337 76 311 - 618 56 27 161 14 7 476 128 317 348 36 nor That’s all folks Big Thank You to Hary
  3. Final Grid Whites 239 Yellows 625 6 800 609 348 476 15 128 Blues 337 100 161 76 87 36 311 75 81 317 7 191 Reds 20 79 141 14 27 152 661 56 226 SuperStars 418 410 453 618 181
  4. Heat 7 Result Winner - 410 Jelle Tesselaar 625 20 14 800 317 81 36 453 259 - 128 184 104 436 nof
  5. Grand National Result 1 217 166 16 212 73 515 12 259 381 - 20 48 dnf 5 22 124 175 295 339 345 408 498 Big thank you to Roy for race and pit reports. That’s all folks. I’ll be back next week from Bradford
  6. 1 Tom Harris wins by far the most entertaining race of the day - The Grand National
  7. Grand National On track Whites 22 530 295 420 Yellows 339 147 498 Blues 12 73 120 124 175 381 408 551 Reds 5 20 48 166 216 259 526 Superstars 16 217 212 515 1 Half lap handicap 345
  8. Final Result 345 295 175 5 1 124 217 498 16 408 - 97 20
  9. Final Top Three 345 Jake Harrhy 295 Louis Goodwin 175 Karl Hawkins
  10. Jakey Jakey Jakey 345 wins the final
  11. Meeting Final on track Whites 559 530 295 453 420 Yellows 147 339 345 452 498 Blues 12 73 120 124 175 242 381 408 551 Reds 5 20 48 166 216 526 Superstars 1 16 97 212 217 515 Novices 22 All qualifiers are on track
  12. Heat 6 Result Winner - 6 Pascal Spigt 337 76 100 141 418 239 226 618 56 - 35 27 112 476 311 348 191 434 627 nof
  13. Heat 5 Result Winner - 14 Rick Wobbes 625 609 410 20 79 161 15 818 7 - 87 81 128 143 259 317 nof
  14. Consolation Result 5 242 526 498 73 22 381 453 530 452 420 559 - 128 nof
  15. Consolation on track Whites 559 128 453 420 530 Yellows 452 498 Blues 73 242 381 Reds 5 259 526 Novices 22
  16. Heat 4 Result Winner - 141 Richard Falkena 418 618 152 239 661 36 181 6 75 - 476 56 411 184 226 311 112 76
  17. Heat 3 Winner - 79 Louw de Vries 453 27 161 337 100 625 348 609 7 - 87 143 434 nof
  18. Heat 2 Result 1 175 217 515 48 551 166 20 120 295 - nof
  19. Heat 1 Result 339 345 147 408 12 124 16 97 212 216 - 5 242
  20. 1 Tom Harris after taking the lead from 175 at about the halfway stage wins heat 2
  21. Restart order 559 295 498 381 175 551 20 48 526 166 1 217 515 120 nor
  22. Heat 2 On track Whites 559 128 226 325 295 Yellows 452 498 Blues 120 175 551 381 Reds 48 20 526 166 Superstars 217 515 1
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