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Everything posted by nic

  1. Top 3 F2 Final 1. Uk129 Charlie Tomblin 2. H131 Rutger Veenstra 3. H62 Robin Roos
  2. Final Grid 181 79 100 625 627 511 229 UK55 61 20 141 311 161 332 618 410 B197 56 710 611 44 40 84 259 453 317 272 102 7 418 500 UK216 240 14 75 609
  3. Heat 6 Result Winner - 627 Teun Commandeur 229 14 40 259 710 B197 44 332 453 - 317 512 418 95 35 UK453 348 36 91 dnf UK216 289 609
  4. Heat 5 Result Winner - 141 Richard Falkena 181 79 UK55 56 102 294 84 75 315 - 20 7 dnf 53 239 240 337 618 800
  5. Heat 4 Result Winner - 625 Wilco Terpstra 511 100 410 61 311 161 661 226 272 - 6 500 496 24 dnf 16 104 152
  6. Heat 3 Result Winner - 141 Richard Falkena B197 68 627 UK55 295 332 226 317 75 - UK216 UK453 44 710 294 102 dnf 14 35 91 281 259 305 453
  7. Heat 2 Result Winner - 181 Mark Veenstra 418 609 79 20 100 40 229 161 53 - 348 500 95 239 315 dnf 104 215 337 800
  8. Heat 1 Result Winner - 625 Wilco Terpstra 410 61 511 36 84 240 311 496 272 - 661 512 6 152 dnf 7 16 24 56 90 646
  9. Looks like is 2 from 6 format. That's 6 heats and each driver races twice. Highest point scorers qualifier to race in the Kings Battle Final UK55 is in heats 3 and 5 UK216 & UK453 are in heats 3 and 6
  10. Kings Night Final Result Winner - 229 Tsjalle Greidanus Second - 40 Mark Tesselaar Third - 61 Koen Maris 161 311 453 100 618 337 36 - 44 56 332 75 259 nof Thank you Hary
  11. Battle for the sword - Final Grid Whites 500 250 Yellows 627 Blues 100 7 161 311 76 337 710 332 511 317 295 36 75 Reds 79 70 56 44 Uk216 611 40 152 14 Superstars 453 618 229 181 UK55 61 410
  12. Consolation 2 Winner - 252 Gert jan Klok 14 410 75 305 625 315 800 53 348 95 512 nof
  13. Consolation 1 Winner 40 Mark Tesselaar 295 61 36 16 418 102 6 UK453 84 496 91 411 nof
  14. Heat 3 Winner - 20 Bert de Vries 618 710 UK55 332 511 259 317 - 625 348 240 104 nof
  15. Heat 2 Winner - 79 Louw de Vries 453 7 181 UK216 661 337 500 - 215 102 16 84 B197 281 496 40 nof
  16. Heat 1 - First 8 to the Final Winner - 100 Joey Slooff 56 229 44 161 311 627 76 - 61 272 800 UK453 nof
  17. Greetings Race fans Its another big Thank you to Hary.
  18. Meeting Summary BriSCA F1 Stock Cars Heat 1 - Whites & Yellows Winner - 235 Mick Howarth Second - 364 Robert Plant Third - 375 Craig Liddle 530 35 499 263 nof Heat 2 Winner - 457 Callum Gill 55 259 20 95 446 212 166 175 35 - 127 16 Heat 3 Winner - 268 Richard Woods 166 466 16 515 95 259 175 235 163 - 530 499 Final Winner - 457 Callum Gill Second - 55 Craig Finnikin Third - 20 Liam Gilbank 515 259 175 138 463 95 364 - 499 235 Grand National Winner - 446 Joe Booth 16 235 138 175 463 259 345 525 457 - 364 95 BriSCA National MiniStox Heat 1 Winner - 20 Fred Hunter-Johnson Second - 642 Alfie Smith Third - 269 Freddie Rogers 51 155 30 55 507 848 80 - 102 174 267 353 nof Heat 2 Winner - 732 Brooke Kitson Second - 269 Freddie Rogers Third - 496 Tom Holcroft 24 183 105 425 611 80 848 - 158 174 369 55 Heat 3 Winner - 642 Alfie Smith Second - 611 Jamie Hanson Third - 425 Boden Murfin 20 51 213 158 496 30 507 - 24 105 411 183 353 Final Winner - 642 Alfie Smith Second - 732 Brooke Kitson Third - 425 Boden Murfin 20 269 51 611 213 155 848 - 183 80 496 174 24 All Comers Winner - 183 Mason Whittle Second - 425 Boden Murfin Third - 611 Jamie Hanson 732 20 213 55 269 155 51 183 642 30 105 89
  19. Grand National Result 446 16 235 138 175 463 259 345 515 457 - 364 95 That’s all folks Back next week for the SkegVegas weekend.
  20. It was a 3 lap dash Unfortunately 268 span himself out on the penultimate lap on t2, giving the Grand National win to 446 Joe Booth
  21. Restart order 268 446 16 235 138 175 515 259 95 463 345 457 364 499 127 nor
  22. A few to go yf 163 in t2 fence all ok
  23. Grand National on track Lap Handicap 457 Whites Yellows 268 364 499 Blues 163 127 446 235 Reds 95 463 259 212 Superstars 345 175 138 515 16
  24. Final Result 457 55 20 515 259 175 138 463 95 364 - 499 235
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