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Everything posted by nic

  1. Results summary BriSCA F1 Heat 1 Winner - 82 Karl Mosley 216 364 16 259 345 163 22 175 463 - 95 nof Heat 2 Winner - 55 Craig Finnikin 216 16 95 463 446 259 345 175 338 - 82 22 Final Winner - 55 Craig Finnikin Second - 16 Mat Newson Third - 175 Karl Hawkins 463 95 259 364 446 338 22 - 345 nof Grand National Winner - 364 Robert Plant 463 95 16 175 259 345 163 22 55 - 216 338 BriSCA F2 Heat 1 Winner - 136 Kyle Taylor 103 880 47 926 3 183 223 925 nof Heat 2 Winner - 129 Charlie Tomblin 880 183 761 47 24 618 801 307 223 Heat 3 Winner - 129 Charlie Tomblin 39 34 995 136 3 103 24 618 488 - 118 722 Final Winner - 136 Kyle Taylor Second - 129 Charlie Tomlin Third - 880 Jack Witts 995 39 183 47 103 24 3 - 34 801 Grand National Winner - 129 Charlie Tomblin 183 34 880 47 3 18 39 118 223 - 995 136
  2. Grand National Result 364 463 95 16 175 259 345 163 22 55 - 216 338 That’s all Folks Next meeting SkegVegas this coming Saturday.
  3. 364 Robert Plant wins the Grand National
  4. Grand National on track Lap Handicap 55 Whites Yellows 338 364 163 Blues 95 Reds 216 463 259 345 Superstars 175 16 Novices 22+ 388+
  5. Final Result 55 16 175 - 463 95 259 364 446 338 22 - 345 nof
  6. It’s a second win tonight for 55 Craig Finnikin who muscled his way past the 364 car just before half way, for another comfortable win. Second - 16 Mat Newson Third - 175 Karl Hawkins
  7. Restart order 375 364 338 463 16 55 175 446 259 345 95 22 nor
  8. Lap 4 yf - 163 in t2 fence - all ok fence repairs required
  9. Final on track Whites 375 Yellows 338 364 163 Blues 95 Reds 446 216 463 259 345 Superstars 175 16 55 Novices 22 388
  10. Heat 2 Result 55 216 16 95 463 446 259 345 175 338 - 82 22 dnf 163 364 388
  11. 55 Craig Finnikin took the lead from the very fast 82 car on lap 6, and went on to comfortably win heat 2
  12. Lap 4 yf - infield tyre on t3 race line - all ok restart order 82 95 55 16 463 216 259 338 446 175 345 163 22 375 nor
  13. Lap 2 - 388 in back straight fence - all ok restart order 82 375 364 163 338 95 446 216 463 345 55 16 175 259 22 nor
  14. Heat 2 on track Whites 82 375 388 Yellows 338 364 163 Blues 95 Reds 446 216 463 259 345 Superstars 175 16 55 Novices 22
  15. Heat 1 Result 82 216 364 16 259 345 163 22 175 463 - 95 nof
  16. 82 Karl Mosley with a flag to flag victory wins a lively heat 1 by nearly half a lap.
  17. Heat 1 on track Whites 82 375 388 Yellows 548 338 364 163 Blues 453 95 Reds 446 216 463 259 345 Superstars 175 16 55 Novices 22
  18. In the Sheffield pits X denotes I did not see them. Superstar Grade 16 Mat Newson 55 Craig Finnikin 175 Karl Hawkins Star Grade 216 Jack France 259 Paul Hines 345 Jake Harrhy 446 Joe Booth 463 James Morris A Grade X 73 Chris Cowley 95 Rob Mitchell X 249 Joff Gibson X 268 Richard Woods - cracked engine block 453 Thomas Andrew B Grade 22 Lewis Hunter X 157 Adam Joyce 163 Mark Balmer 338 Chris Brocksopp X 350 Hannah Andrew 364 Robert Plant X 499 Marc Clayton X 530 Darren Sheen 548 Daniel Brooke C Grade - numerical order 82 Karl Moseley 375 Craig Liddle 388 Ash Patch in MN car - 1st 2024 appearance - last raced 2023 BriSCA F2 StockCars 3 7 18 24 34 39 47 103 118 129 136 183 223 307 344 488 578 588 708 722 761 880 896 925 926
  19. Tonight’s race format Gates open 5.30pm First race 7pm Race 1 - BriSCA F2 Stock Cars - Heat 1 (2/3rds) Race 2 - BriSCA F1 Stock Cars - Heat 1 (All in) Race 3 - BriSCA F2 Stock Cars - Heat 2 Race 4 - BriSCA F1 Stock Cars - Heat 2 Race 5 - BriSCA F2 Stock Cars - Heat 3 Race 6 - BriSCA F1 Stock Cars - Final Race 7 - BriSCA F2 Stock Cars - Final (All in) Race 8 - BriSCA F1 Stock Cars - Grand National Race 9 - BriSCA F2 Stock Cars - Grand National
  20. Greetings BriSCA F1 Stock car fans from nic and Roy
  21. Final Result Winner - 141 Richard Flakena Second - 152 Gert-jan Klok Third - 14 Rick Wobbes 229 239 35 592 181 591 56 - 79 16 53 332 512 128 818 nof Big Big Thank You to Hary
  22. Final Grid Whites 259 239 143 434 512 281 Yellows 35 818 128 53 104 317 295 Blues 710 661 332 625 592 292 Reds 152 141 79 14 56 16 SuperStars 229 181
  23. Heat 1 Result Winner - 710 Roy Peetoom 76 229 141 239 56 661 14 79 625 - 16 53 434 nof Heat 2 Result Winner - 152 Gert-jan Klok 79 181 710 661 16 35 75 818 591 - 143 259 239 625 nof Heat 3 Result Winner - 141 Richard Falkena 152 229 181 14 259 332 56 76 35 - 128 143 818 512 281 nof
  24. Heat Splits Heat 1 Whites 259 454 512 90 239 Yellows 317 215 53 104 128 Blues 292 591 806 332 710 76 661 625 Reds 16 56 227 79 161 75 141 14 SuperStars 418 229 Heat 2 Whites 90 239 143 259 281 Yellows 104 818 35 317 295 Blues 625 661 592 710 36 591 Reds 40 44 75 152 79 16 227 SuperStars 181 418 Heat 3 Whites 281 143 434 512 Yellows 295 128 818 53 215 35 Blues 36 76 800 332 292 592 Reds 14 161 44 141 56 40 152 SuperStars 229 181
  25. Race 1 is at 11.30am F1 races Race 3 - Heat 1 Race 9 - Heat 2 Race 16 - Heat 3 Race 22 - Final
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