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Everything posted by nic

  1. Restart order 178 484 368 124 11 381 120 128 312 408 498 16 248 8 20 555 526 H124 229 445 242 147 345 525 515 212 22 67 74 453 217 166 216 nor
  2. Lap 3 yf 269 stranded on t4 race line all ok
  3. Grand National on Track for the Tom Collins Memorial Lap Handicap 217 Whites 128 Yellows 11 22 178 269 312 368 453 484 Blues 120 124 147 242 381 498 525 555 Reds 8 20 166 212 216 248 345 408 526 Superstars 16 445 515 H124 H229 Novices 74 67
  4. Final Result for the Ray Tyldesley Memorial Trophy 217 408 515 8 287 H124 H229 212 20 526 - H318 555
  5. Final result for the Ray Tyldesley Trophy Winner - 217 Lee Fairhurst Second - 408 Ant Whorton-Eales Third - 515 Frankie Wainman Junior
  6. Restart order 164 287 312 484 178 525 124 11 8 30 381 212 555 408 515 217 526 229 H124 445 318 120 345 269 20 523 453 147 nor
  7. Lap 2 yf 22 stranded on t4 race line All ok
  8. Final on track for the Ray Tyldesley Memorial Whites Yellows 287 30 312 484 178 300 164 22 269 12 453 Blues 120 555 525 147 242 381 124 Reds 345 8 212 20 408 526 Superstars 515 217 445 H124 H229 H318 Novices 523
  9. Consolation Result 555 484 242 212 147 300 178 312 345 526 11 55 All 12 to the Final
  10. 555 Frankie Wainman Junior Junior wins a very “lots of bumpers going in” consolation. First Win at SkegVegas in an F1 for JJ
  11. Consolation on track Whites 307 128 Yellows 11 67 132 178 226 300 312 415 484 H575 Blues 555 498 147 242 Reds 216 345 166 212 526 Superstars 55 16 Novices 74 523
  12. Steve Froggatt Trophy (Heat 2) Result H124 H229 445 H318 164 22 453 269 287 30 - 11 307 164 John Fortune won the Steve Froggatt Trophy First 10 to the final
  13. 124 Wim Peeters wins heat 2 and 164 John Fourtune wins the Steve Froggatt Trophy
  14. Restart order H124 164 307 445 H229 H318 595 22 453 11 269 287 415 523 74 30 128 nor
  15. Lap 7 ish yf 368 in t2 fence and H575 stranded on t4 exit race line all ok
  16. Restart order 307 128 164 287 595 368 H124 445 H318 H229 H575 269 22 453 30 415 11 523 74 287 nor
  17. Lap 2 - yellow flag - track blocked on t2 exit by 67 484 300 164 132 368 H248 312 595 287
  18. Heat 2 - Steve Froggatt Trophy on track Whites 128 307 Yellows 226 399 287 30 312 484 178 595 300 164 22 132 11 269 453 368 415 Reds H248 Superstars 445 H124 H229 H318 Novices 74 67 523
  19. Trust Fund (Heat 1) Result 124 8 408 217 48 381 120 525 20 515 166 55 first 10 To the final
  20. Trust Fund (Heat 1) Top Three Winner - 124 Kyle Gray Second - 8 Catherine Harris Third - 408 Ant Whorton-Eales
  21. Heat 1 - Trust Fund Race on track Blues 525 555 120 498 147 242 381 124 Reds 216 345 48 166 212 8 408 20 526 Superstars 55 515 16 217
  22. In The Skegness Saturday pits X denotes I did not see them Number in (xx) is meetings attended this season before this meeting 1 Tom Harris in 8 car for Teng Tools challenge 8 Catherine Harris - (1) 11 Neil Scriven - (8)Y 16 Matt Newson - (23)SS in NEW car 20 Liam Gilbank - (14)R 22 Lewis Hunter - (12)Y 30 Thomas Storry - (3)Y 48 Shaun Webster - (11)R 55 Craig Finnikin - 15)SS 67 Henry Robson - (1)Y 120 Casey Englestone - (16)B 128 Simon Binder - (2)W 124 Kyle Gray - (19)B 132 James Hall-Morton - (6)Y 147 Eddie Collins - (6)B x 157 Adam Joyce - (10) 164 John Fortune - (2)Y 166 Bobby Griffin - (14)R 178 Richard Burt - (4)Y 212 Danny Wainman - 14)R 216 Jack France - (21)R 217 Lee Fairhurst - (10)SS 226 Darren Lindsey - (4)Y 242 Joe Nickolls - (6)B X 263 Chris Worrall - (5) 269 Thomas Rogers - (5)Y 287 Jansen Wilkinson - (3)Y x 295 Louis Goodwin - (10) 300 Paul Carter - (3)Y 307 Hannah Chappell - (2)W 312 John Thompson - (2)Y in MN car 345 Jake Harrhy - (21)R 368 Callum Thornton - (4)Y 381 Tyrone Evans - (11)B 399 Harry Clayton - (6)Y 408 Ant Whorton-Eales - (9)R 415 Russell Cooper - (0)Y 445 Nigel Green - (0) in JD white car 453 Thomas Andrew - (21)Y 484 Craig Utley - (1)Y 498 Olly Spencer - (7)B 515 Frankie Wainman - (20)SS 523 Brooke Kitson W 525 Nigel de Kock - (10)B 526 Finn Sargent - (13)R 555 Frankie Wainman Jnr Jnr - (6) in NEW car 595 Jack Ryan - Y H74 Youri Dohmen - (2) in FWJ car H124 Wim Peters - (0)SS H229 Tjalle Greidanus - (2)SS H248 Mika Ronitz - (0)R H318 Rik Lenssen - (2)R H575 Yoren Windands - (3)Y
  23. Teng Tool Challenge 2L National Saloon World Champion - 730 Dean Mayes BrISCA F1 World Champion - 1 Tom Harris BriSCA F2 World Champion - 7 Gordon Moodie 1 in 1 car fastest time - 14.005 1 in 730 car - fastest time - 16.241 1 in 7 car - fastest time - 14 421 7 in 7 car - fastest time - 14.185 7 in 1 car - fastest time - 14.117 7 in 730 - fastest time - 16.252 730 in 730 car - 15.676 730 in 7 car - 14.701 730 in 1 car - 14.987 Totals 7 - 44.554 1 - 44.667 730 - 45.364 Gordon Moodie is the 2024 Teng Tools Challenge Champion
  24. Meeting Format 10.30 Gates Open 2pm Teng Tools Challenge 4pm Racing Starts Race 1. Brisca F2 Heat 1 Race 2. Brisca F2 Heat 2 Race 3. Brisca F1 Heat 1 BSCDA Trust Fund Race Race 4. 2L Saloons Heat 1 Race 5. 2L Saloons Heat 2 Race 6. BriSCA F1 Heat 2 Steve Froggatt Trophy Race 7. Brisca F2 Heat 3 Race 8. Brisca F2 Heat 4 Race 9. Brisca F1 Con Race 10. 2L Saloons Heat 3 Race 11. Brisca F2 Heat 5 Race 12. Brisca F1 Ray Tyldesley Memorial Final Race 13. 2L Saloons Heat 4 Race 14. Brisca F2 Cons Race 15. Brisca F2 Cons Race 16. 2L Saloons Heat 5 Race 17. Brisca F1 GN Tom Collins Memorial Race 18. 2L Saloon Heat 6 Race 19. Brisca F2 Cottage Farm Trophy Final Race 20. 2L Saloon Heat 7
  25. Greetings BriSCA F1 Stock Car fans from Roy and nic, today is “Trust Fund” race day
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