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Everything posted by nic

  1. 2022 Inter-nations cup GN in memory of Bev Greenhalf result 410 Jelle Tesselaar 525 55 1 18 20 326 289 212 175 H229 515 DNF 12 16 78 191 211 216 389 457 463 545 555 575 Big big Thank you to Roy for race comments and pit news. Thats all folks Back next week from Bradford for semi final number one Charlie and Ryan in this race!!! plus Andy and Stuart on track
  2. 410 Jelle Tesselaar wins the Inter-nations GN in memory of Bev Greenhalf
  3. Grand National - Inter-nations Cup in memory of Bev Greenhalf on Track Lap Handicap 175 Whites 389 115 Yellows 78 545 525 H575 18 Blues 191 12 463 216 Reds 211 20 410 326 555 289 212 Superstars 515 55 1 16 H229 Novices 457R+
  4. 2022 European Championship Result 175 Karl Hawkins 12 Michael Scriven 515 Frankie Wainman Junior 211 Phoebie Wainman 555 Frankie Wainman Junior Junior 197 525 H575 11 nof
  5. 2022 European Championship Top Three 175 Karl Hawkins 12 Michael Scriven 515 Frankie Wainman Junior
  6. Last bender on 197 by 5 and neither finished The crowd loved it, and so did Charlie, Ryan resorted to ramming the side of the 5 car into the fence!!
  7. 175 Karl Hawkins is the 2022 European Championship winner
  8. Restart order Water Cart, Pace Car, 197 175 11ld 5 515 211 20 555 H575 nor
  9. About 5 to go yf 1 looses front wheel to cheering crowd!
  10. Restart order 197 1 515 55 555 289 175 525 211 20 11 12 575 5 nor
  11. 2 laps later yf 5 541 and 191 in t1 fence all ok
  12. 2 laps later yf 5 541 and 191 in t1 fence all ok
  13. Restart order and rolling Water truck, pace car, 197 1 55 515 191 541 12 5 211 555 289 525 235 20 175 11 nor
  14. Very very dusty lap 9ish yf 502 aerofoil loose and parked on outside of t4 exit all ok
  15. Drivers not in the restart 2 16 25 217 H229 259 410 418 446 545 They are rolling
  16. Lap one yf 259 and 418 plus others in t2 fence all ok
  17. All qualifies on track Drivers START YOUR ENGINES
  18. Final - European Championship Grid Grid formed by points scored on Saturday night and Sundays heats (highest point at front of grid) 197 - 259 541 -2 217 - 418 55 - 1 212 - 16 191 - 555 515 - 446 20 - H229 175 - 18 502 - 410 H575 - 11 289 - 5 25 - 335 211 - 545 12 - 525 326 - 235
  19. Consolation Result 12 545 525 326 - 235 457 526 127 389 216 78 nof
  20. Consolation on Track (First 4 to the final) Whites 115 389 Yellows 163 268 78 545 235 525 Blues 12 127 216 Reds 526 326 Superstars Novices 457R+ DNS 24 91 463
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