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Everything posted by nic

  1. Final result 197 Ryan Harrison 259 Paul Hines 55 Craig Finnikin 217 541 2 212 515 335 175 555 93 DNF 1 12 16 18 127 191 289 319 326 410 463 502 575
  2. Final Top Three 197 Ryan Harrison 259 Paul Hines 55 Craig Finnikin
  3. Lap 8ish yf all ok restart order 541 175 259 446 197 555 212 289 55 217 1 2 229 25 335 418 18 93 545 515 nor
  4. Lap 2 yf all ok restart Order 319 541 545 18 446 12 418 25 289 410 555 175 212 259 217 16 55 2 197 229 515 1 502 93 191 nor
  5. Final on Track Whites 319 Yellows 18 93 502 525 541 545 575 Blues 12 25 127 191 335 446 463 Reds 2 175 212 289 326 410 418 555 Superstars 1 16 55 197 217 H229 259 515
  6. Consolation Result 93 Sam Makim 446 545 319 1 555 515 335 127 H575 308 525 First 12 to the final, first 10 in the heats DNF 24 78 91 115 216 235 268 414 457 526
  7. 1 lap to go yf all ok restart order 93 319 545 389 446 575 308 1 555 515 11 127 335 525 211 nor
  8. Consolation on Track (First ? to the final, as per heats) Whites 115 319 389 414 Yellows 11 24 78 91 93 235 268 308 525 545 575 Blues 127 216 335 446 Reds 211 526 555 Superstars 1 515 Novices 457R DNS 163 5 20
  9. Heat Two Result 197 Ryan Harrison 418 541 191 289 502 326 12 217 55 - 526 5 555 only 13 finishers
  10. Next lap yf 1 and 191 and 55 tangled on exit of t2 all ok restart order 389 319 541 502 446 191 55 418 197 555 5 217 20 12 326 526 289 nor
  11. Lap 5 yf 575 and 11 tangled on t1/t2 race line all ok restart order 319 541 502 446 191 55 1 418 197 555 5 217 20 12 289 326 93 268 526 nor
  12. Heat Two on Track Whites 319 389 Yellows 163 268 541 502 93 11 H575 Blues 446 191 12 Reds 20 526 418 326 5 555 289 Superstars 55 217 1 197
  13. Heat One Result H229 16 18 410-(16.19) 2 259 212 175 463 25 335 216 First ? To the final DNF 78 91 115 235 308 515 525 545 number in brackets is fast lap time by 410
  14. Heat One Race Winner H229 Tjalle Greidanus
  15. Lap Three yf 115 in t1 fence all ok Restart order 18 308 2 25 229 91 515 175 16 410 259 335 457 127 211 463 212 216 545 24 nor
  16. Heat One on Track Whites 115 Yellows 78 545 24 235 525 91 308 18 Blues 335 25 463 127 216 Reds 211 175 2 212 410 Superstars 259 515 16 H229 Novices 457 R 289 on track, but did not start
  17. In the Euro Pits SuperStars – Lights 1 Tom Harris 16 Matt Newson 55 Craig Finnikin 197 Ryan Harrison 217 Lee Fairhurst 259 Paul Hines 515 Frankie Wainman Jnr Stars – Red 2 Paul Harrison 5 Charlie Sworder 20 Liam Gilbank X 21 Mark Gilbank X 166 Bobby Griffin 175 Karl Hawkins 211 Phoebe Wainman 212 Danny Wainman H229 Tjalle Greidanus 289 Jake Walker 326 Mark Sargent H410 Jelle Tesselaar H418 Niels Tessellar 457 Callum Gill 526 Finlay Sargent 555 Frankie Wainman Jnr Jnr A Grade – Blue 12 Michael Scriven 25 Bradley Harrison X 94 John Dowson 127 Austin Moore 191 Joshua Smith 216 Jack France 335 Mark Woodhull X 339 Anthony Lee X 446 Joe Booth 463 James Morris X 501 George Elwell B Grade – Yellow 11 Neil Scriven 18 Daniel Ford 24 Mark Adkins 78 Lewis Galer 93 Sam Makim 115 Craig McLoughlin 414 Harley Halton 163 Mark Balmer 172 Michael Randell 235 Mick Haworth 268 Richard Woods 308 Steve Malkin Jnr X 338 Chris Brocksopp 397 Terri-Ann Smith 502 Richard Wilson 525 Nigel de Kock 541 Willie Skoyles Jnr 545 William Adams H575 Yoren Windands C Grade – White 115 Craig McLoughlin 319 Sheldon Wadsworth 389 Tom Dayman X 548 Daniel Brooke Unknown X 91 Tony Smith X 100 James Smith X 275 Terry Hawkins
  18. Full Final Result Race Winner = 67 Marco Kandt 229 Tsjalle Greidanus 152 Gert Jan Klok 61 181 699 315 36 27 642 - 261 625 14 53 337. That's all folks Big Big Thank you to Hary for sending me the results Big Thank you to Roy for posting race reports.
  19. Final Top Three 67 Marco Kandt 229 Tsjalle Greidanus 152 Gert Jan Klok UK 55 out Lap 2 UK 326 DNF
  20. Final Grid as per points scored 410 - 67 152 - 604 79 - 155 295 - 100 UK55 - 61 336 - 161 141 - 20 40 - 625 181 - 855 87 - 418 315 - 236 27 - 699 86 - 242 14 - 261 212 - 229 318 - 53 44 - 36 226 - UK326 Reserves in points order 195, 228, 808, 47, 76, 311, 35, 406, 603, 900, 818, 405.
  21. Heat Six Result Race Winner 604 Stefan Van Rossum 410 UK55 418 642 229 14 86 236 261 - 27 76 91 35 61 406 477 DNF 6 UK268 296 332 496 UK526 575 711
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