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Everything posted by nic

  1. Another Big Thank You to Hary
  2. Greetings Welcome to the last 2023 World Championship Qualifying Round. On my lonesome once again! I did have last weekend off though! Lol 😂 I gave BTC a go.
  3. Final Result Winner - 418 Niels Tesselaar Second - 7 Jur Blokker Third - 20 Bert de Vries 27 67 181 161 191 15 604 - 661 38 87 699 618 H800 337 DNF 24 44 47 53 H75 79 131 155 212 295 315 332 405 410 591 592 603 That’s all Folks Thank you Hary
  4. Final Grid Yellows 191 - 15 570 - 212 661 - 161 53 Blues 7 - 591 131 - 295 604 - 87 337 - 38 405 - 44 332 - 592 315 - 605 Reds 44 - 418 20 - 181 79 - 47 67 - 699 226 - 27 Superstars 618 - 155 410
  5. Heat 6 Result Winner - 410 Jelle Tesselaar 15 699 191 44 38 H75 332 87 155 - 181 179 496 27 259 DNF 14 53 90 143 161 337 592 604 H710 Result Amendment from race control 332 dropped from 8th to 12th
  6. Heat 5 Result Winner - 67 Marco Kandt 7 131 618 47 79 418 155 20 295 - 603 H800 502 87 661 DNF 54 H75 259 315 405 406 411 601
  7. Heat 4 Result Winner - 212 Zander Vermeulen 161 591 53 604 315 181 14 592 27 -332 15 476 191 410 337 38 496 143 625 DNF 90 179 H524 699 H710
  8. Heat 3 Result Winner - H75 Janbauke Van Kalsbeeb 44 418 155 618 47 131 20 79 661 - 87 592 332 476 H800 295 259 24 DNF 54 405 406 411 502 H524 603
  9. Heat 2 Result Winner - 7 Jur Blokker 337 591 191 226 410 191 604 H710 15 - 212 67 38 161 14 143 625 496 DNF 27 53 90 179 315 699
  10. Heat One Result Winner - 295 Willem Zwerver 405 661 44 618 20 418 H800 24 79 - H524 406 603 DNF 7 33 47 54 67 131 212 411 476 541 591 601
  11. World of Dirt Semi Final Result First 14 to the final at Blauwhuis on the 2nd July Winner - 181 Mark Veenstra Second - 618 Wybe De Vries Third - 86 Edwin Ploeg 155 337 14 332 226 47 44 27 699 H710 H75 - 161 191 38 87 625 15 33 179 315 143 DNF 90 259 410 496 Second World of Dirt Semi Final is at Emmen next weekend
  12. Big Thank You to Hary 8 F1 races today in a 24 race meeting
  13. Results Summary BriSCA F1 StockCars Heat 1 Winner - 217 Lee Fairhurst 84 2 346 289 H152 25 120 11 532 - 499 nof Heat 2 Winner - 242 Joe Nickolls 235 16 20 259 463 127 526 372 H592 - 249 525 nof Heat 3 Winner - 212 Danny Wainman 515 138 175 H800 191 295 548 nof Consolation Winner - 587 Sam Brigg 545 H642 368 249 - 235 289 11 H337 H710 - 211 nof 2023 European Championship Winner - 84 Tom Harris Second - 259 Paul Hines Third - 212 Danny Wainman 555 138 166 20 5 217 191 - 526 120 12 545 525 nof Inter-Nations Grand National Winner - 259 Paul Hines 289 84 515 H14 191 463 211 175 525 - 138 120 67 nof BriSCA F2 StockCars 2023 European Championship Winner - H186 Ricardo Smidt Second - 183 Charlie Guinchard Third - 1 Dave Polley 880 9 618 69 3 606 414 Heat 1 Winner - H103 Chris Van Der Elst 393 H124 3 175 6 H325 H78 195 H249 Heat 2 Winner - 69 Ben Chalkley 344 926 183 39 707 233 H186 103 9 Consolation Winner - 136 Kyle Taylor 47 880 992 968 606 H154 147 226 113 Inter-Nations Cup Final Winner - 136 Kyle Taylor Second - 69 Ben Chalkley Third - 393 Danny McCarthy 226 183 H186 880 78 3 686 Luke Branston Memorial Grand National Winner - 226 Billy Webster 795 801 69 393 129 136 147 618 880 2L National Saloon StockCars 2023 European Championship Winner - 131 Timmy Barnes Second - 525 Wesley Starmer Third - 349 Michael Allard 26 161 730 238 341 902 760 Heat 1 Winner - 120 Luke Dorling 525 570 760 573 D153 399 730 720 380 Heat 2 Winner - 211 Will Cole 161 399 120 328 760 277 349 26 131 Heat 3 Winner - 211 Will Cole 902 238 329 349 131 380 341 600 525 Final Winner - 120 Luke Dorling Second - 26 Tommy Barnes Third - 399 Cole Atkins 238 349 389 341 131 570 525
  14. That's all Folks Thank You Hary
  15. Final Winner - 410 Jelle Tesselaar Second - 229 Tsjalle Greidanus Third - 61 Koen Maris 181 155 699 86 236 100 418 - 603 161 661 179 27 76 609 75 511 DNF 7 15 53 54 79 87 88 90 143 212 215 226 311 452 541 618
  16. Final Grid Whites 90 - 609 88 - 143 Yellows 161 - 661 100 - 15 54 - 75 53 - 212 541 Blues 76 - 511 311 - 603 87 - 179 215 - 295 7 Reds 418 - 79 699 - 181 226 - 452 236 - 27 SuperStars 229 - 618 410 - 86 155 - 61
  17. Heat 5 Winner - 418 Jelle Tesselaar 618 76 100 410 79 86 236 15 603 - 87 27 53 661 161 143 311 212 DNF 88 155 179 215
  18. Heat 4 Winner - 181 Mark Veenstra 418 410 699 511 229 452 311 61 661 - 54 179 75 88 541 DNF 7 15 90 226 609
  19. Heat 3 Winner - 229 Tsjalle Greidanus 90 161 79 155 609 618 76 181 215 - 452 86 87 212 27 53 143 541 75 603 393 DNF 100 236
  20. Heat 2 Winner - 418 Niels Tesselaar 618 226 410 699 511 661 311 179 603 - 87 100 88 54 DNF 7 15 27 53 61 95 236
  21. Heat 1 Winner - 229 Tsjalle Greidanus 79 226 76 699 86 295 181 161 452 - 511 215 61 393 143 609 90 7 DNF 54 75 155 212 541
  22. A Big Thank you to Hary for sending me the results
  23. Grand National Inter Nations Cup Result 259 289 84 515 H14 191 463 211 175 525 only top ten announced Big Big Thank you to Roy for his race and pit reports Thats all Folks I’ll be back at Bradford
  24. 259 Paul Hines wins the 2 lap dash and is the Inter Nations Cup Grand National Winner
  25. 152 went to back of grid, then appeared to be told to retire and went to the infield
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