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Everything posted by nic

  1. Consolation On Track Whites 453 67 80 299 424 Yellows 295 31 499 45 350 35 238 268 364 Blues 25 73 53 Reds 175 587 127 211 Superstars 166
  2. Master of Shale / Final Result Winner - 181 Mark Veenstra Second - 236 Sander Goos Third - 61 Koen Maris 699 76 75 661 800 524 591 - 295 337 79 DNF 117 305 That’s all Folks Big Thank You to Hary Back tomorrow from Venray - Weather Forecast is 32 degrees
  3. Heat 2 Result 55 2 16 502 555 463 525 93 157 20 - 166 44 548 53 nof First 10 to the final
  4. 55 Craig Finnikin, skill-fully picked his way through the field to win a flag less heat 2
  5. Heat Two On Track Whites 424 67 548 44 Yellows 31 45 502 544 35 268 Blues 157 25 235 93 53 525 Reds 127 2 555 20 463 Superstars 166 55 16
  6. Heat One Result 217 84 515 259 289 216 249 212 335 545 - 238 nof First 10 to the final
  7. 217 Lee Fairhurst wins Heat 1 by simply driving off into the sunset unchallenged.
  8. Restart order 217 84 216 212 249 515 259 289 335 545 238 nor
  9. Next lap red flag 175 slow rollover on t4 fence all ok
  10. Next lap yf 295 stranded on t2 exit race line all ok Restart order 217 216 84 249 212 289 259 73 515 175 335 211 545 238 350 nor
  11. Restart order 216 217 249 84 222 289 73 259 175 515 335 211 545 545 295 350 238 nor
  12. Halfway yf 453 stranded on t3 race line 350 and 238 stranded on t1 race line All ok
  13. Restart order 249 238 338 235 216 73 289 587 350 335 84 515 175 217 212 80 211 453 545 nor
  14. Lap 4 ish yf 404 stranded on t4 all ok
  15. Heat One On Track Whites 80 453 404 Yellows 295 499 350 338 249 238 364 Blues 216 545 289 73 335 Reds 175 587 211 259 212 Superstars 515 217 84
  16. Whites and Yellows Result Winner - 80 Jake Hall Second - 31 Oliver Wadsworth Third - Neil Shenton 295 424 350 238 nof
  17. 3 to go yf loose wheel (299s) on track restart order 80 67 31 295 35 238 350 424 453 nor
  18. Whites and Yellows on track Whites 80 299 404 424 44 548 453 67 Yellows 295 31 499 45 350 502 338 544 238 268 35
  19. Pre Meeting Entertainment Father and Son time trials 16 Mat and Robin Newson 55 Craig and Bert Finnikin 73 Chris and Rob Cowley 249 Joff and John Gibson Combined Times 55 - 70.147 16 - 73.953 249 - 75.496 73 - 78.058
  20. Heat 3 Result Winner - 79 Louw de Vries 661 511 75 337 161 295 152 181 236 - 524 117 61 76 800 591 DNF 38 229 642 699
  21. Heat 2 Result Winner - 511 Arjen de Wilde 661 181 295 337 699 75 152 236 61 - 76 38 800 161 591 524 79 117 229 592 642 67
  22. In the Very Sunny Bradford last 2023 World Championship Qualifying pits. BriSCA F1 StockCars 2 Paul Harrison 16 Mat Newson 20 Liam Gilbank 25 Bradley Harrison 31 Oliver Wadsworth 35 Neil Shenton 44 Tom Brown 45 Nigel Harrhy 53 John Lund 55 Craig Finnikin 67 Henry Robson 73 Chris Cowley 80 Jake Hall in FWJ car 84 Tom Harris 93 Sam Makim 127 Austin Moore 157 Adam Joyce in 21 car 166 Bobby Griffin 175 Karl Hawkins 211 Phoebe Wainman-Hawkins 212 Danny Wainman 216 Jack France 217 Lee Fairhurst 235 Mick Haworth 238 Richard Bryan 249 Joff Gibson 259 Paul Hines 268 Richard Woods 289 Jake Walker 295 Louis Goodwin 299 Nathan Harrison 335 Mark Woodhull 338 Chris Brocksopp 350 Hannah Andrew 364 Robert Plant 404 Danny Mitchell 424 Mike Heywood 453 Thomas Andrew 463 James Morris in MN car 499 Marc Clayton in MN car x 501 George Elwell 502 Ricky Wilson 515 Frankie Wainman 525 Nigel de Kock 544 Ben Howard 545 William Adams 548 Daniel Brooke in FWJ car 555 Frankie Wainman Jnr 587 Samuel Brigg BriSCA National MiniStox 20 27 51 55 69 105 158 180 183 191 200 202 267 272 279 300 425 507 611 711 732
  23. Meeting Format First Race 5pm Race 1BriSCA F1W&Y Race Race 2National MinistoxHeat 1 Race 3BriSCA F1Heat 1 Race 4BriSCA F1Heat 2 Race 5National MinistoxHeat 2 Race 6BriSCA F1Consolation Race 7National MinistoxHeat 3 Race 8BriSCA F1Final Race 9National MinistoxFinal Race 10BriSCA F1Grand National
  24. Heat One Result Winner - 591 Barry Boersen 67 161 229 337 152 642 511 181 38 - 61 75 236 661 699 800 524 295 117 79 DNF 76 305 592
  25. World of Dirt Semifinal Result Winner - 67 Marco Kandt Second - 229 Tsjalie Greidanus Third - 61 Koen Maris 152 20 511 592 295 800 591 - 76 79 661 117 418 236 DNF 642
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