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Everything posted by nic

  1. Heat Two Result Winner - 181 Mark Veenstra 410 618 UK84 229 152 592 646 UK415 53 - 332 642 601 79 DNF 14 44 62 76 143 292 800
  2. Heat One Result Winner - 86 Edwin Ploeg UK55 418 699 337 295 215 661 20 UK166 - 161 210 312 7 259 27 DNF 104 UK268 UK326 502 511
  3. Greetings race fans It’s another big Thank You to Hary for supplying todays race results
  4. Final Result Winner UK55 Craig Finnikin Second - 141 Richard Falkena Third - 410 Jelle Tesselaar 152 61 27 14 76 315 661 - 20 75 699 646 332 UK84 6 DNF 67 86 UK166 181 B197 226 229 292 295 UK326 337 418 511 617 800 Thats all folks Big Big Thank You to Hary Back tomorrow for the Kings Battle
  5. F2 Final Top Three Winner - UK968 Micky Brennan Second - 124 Wim Pweters Third - Kay Lenssen
  6. Final Grid Whites 661 Yellows 6 Blues 226 B197 315 75 332 76 800 292 646 511 337 295 UK326 Reds & SuperStars 61 410 699 14 UK 166 418 20 141 181 27 618 152 67 86 UK55 UK84 229
  7. Consolation 2 result Winner - 181 Mark Veenstra 27 661 UK326 - UK415 625 312 DNF 53 79 90 104 210 UK268 305 502 642
  8. Consolation Grid 2 Whites 312 90 661 609 502 Yellows 53 104 UK268 UK415 Blues 305 625 UK326 642 Reds 79 27 181 210
  9. Consolation Result - First 4 to the final Winner - 141 Richard Falkena 229 337 295 - 7 215 161 143 62 44 38 259 592 541 DNF 496
  10. Consolation 1 Grid Whites 143 601 627 496 259 Yellows 592 215 7 Blues 541 161 62 337 295 Reds 44 38 141 Superstars 229
  11. Heat Three Winner - 226 Pieter van der lest 699 14 86 332 76 6 511 - UK415 27 UK326 181 210 DNF 90 305 502 609 625 642 661
  12. Heat Two Result Winner - 61 Keon Maris 618 152 75 UK84 418 20 646 - 62 337 496 295 259 DNF 7 53 79 104 141 UK268 312
  13. Heat 1 Result - First 8 to the final Winner 410 Jelle Tesselaar B197 315 67 UK55 UK166 800 292 - 541 161 143 DNF 38 44 215 228 229 592 601
  14. Greetings Race Fans Big Thank you once again to Hary for sending me the results from Blauwhuis
  15. Final Winner - 155 Pieter Langeveld Second - 592 Auke Osinga Third - 226 Pieter van der Iest 699 61 229 261 86 603 236 - 27 91 44 DNF 75 79 112 141 161 181 292 311 511 604 609 618 661 That's all Folks Big Thank you to Hary
  16. Final Grid Whites 609 661 88 Yellows 311 305 592 215 603 112 6 Blues 226 161 292 604 332 75 511 591 261 800 62 710 Reds 699 61 141 27 410 44 181 236 418 79 SuperStars 155 618 86 229
  17. Heat 7 Winner - 292 Frank Zijsling 226 311 604 236 75 592 229 91 6 - 661 DNF 215 337 627
  18. Heat 6 Winner - 511 Arjen de Wilde 699 161 155 112 181 44 332 79 603 - 88 61 315 295 7 27 DNF 38 86 90 191 212 259 524 541 601 627 800
  19. Heat 5 Winner - 305 Ron van Wamelen 609 215 618 410 418 226 62 228 181 - 592 900 79 236 292 710 261 91 229 95 259 DNF 15 76 104 210 337 661 The winner of heat 5 is the brother of current WORLD CUP champion Danny, It was Ron,s first race and he was driving the former Martin Verhoefs car
  20. Heat 4 Winner - 155 Pieter Langeveld 141 311 800 699 27 591 332 75 295 - 496 112 6 603 604 7 DNF 90 179 191 315 511 524
  21. Heat 3 Winner - 226 Pieter van der Iest 61 305 618 86 609 215 161 210 88 - 76 95 15 44 418 DNF 38 104 212 228 261 541 601 900
  22. Heat 2 Winner - 141 Richard Falkena 661 311 292 592 604 710 603 410 591 - 179 627 332 229 91 DNF 75 79 181 191 236 259 337 496 524 800
  23. Heat 1 Winner - 61 Koen Maris 155 261 161 618 27 86 699 609 44 - 6 15 62 7 541 88 DNF 90 95 104 112 212 228 295 315 511
  24. Under 25's Winner - 229 Tsjalle Greidanus Second - 141 Richard Falkena Third - 710 Roy Peetoom 181 418 236 661 75 627 800 - 10 DNF 259 292 496 524 900 229 has now won the under 25 three times.
  25. Big Thank You to Hary for collecting and sending the results to me. 24 race meeting starting at 11am F1 Races - Under 25's - 7 Heats - Final
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