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  1. Past hour
  2. Heat 2 result 217 453 1 525 175 526 53 463 - 44 31 63 35
  3. 217 Lightening Lee Fairhurst wins heat 2 after a good race with 453
  4. Restart order 453 63 67 217 525 31 1 53 175 463 375 35 526 44 nor
  5. Restart order 63 453 67 375 31 525 22 217 53 35 1 175 44 463 526 nor
  6. Heat 2 on track Whites 63 31 375 299 Yellows 35 453 44 67 Blues 22 53 525 345 Reds 526 463 175 Superstars 217 1
  7. Heat 1 Result 138 587 515 16 446 34 567 404 - 349 63 nof
  8. 4 to go yf all ok restart order 138 587 515 16 446 34 567 404 299 349 63 nor
  9. Restart order 404 567 138 587 364 446 515 16 414 34 299 349 399 63 144 nor
  10. Heat 1 on track Whites 404 63 567 375 299 31 Yellows 399 268 414 499 352 364 Blues 127 34 Reds 349 587 446 138 Superstars 16 515 Novices 125 144
  11. Today
  12. 2024 Grand National Championship Result 1 138 446 217 16 345 127 364 525 526 - 67 22
  13. The 2024 Grand National Champion is Mr Five Times, 1 Tom Harris Second - 138 Dave Polley (with a last bender on 446) Third - 446 Joe Booth (in the 93 car)
  14. Restart order 1 446 16 345 138 127 525 526 217 44 469 453 67 364 22 352 nor 515 puncture
  15. Lap 2 red flag 175 on his side on t1 all ok Leading Three - 1 446 16
  16. Grand National Championship Grid(20 cars) Row 1 - 1 16 Row 2 - 515 22 Row 3 - 446 345 Row 4 - 138 Row 5 - 526 175 Row 6 - 217 352 Row 7 - 469 453 Row 8 - 525 364 Row 9 - 127 Row 10 - 44 67 dns 95 and 463
  17. Doing their 5 laps 125 Ryan Moore 144 Connor Medley
  18. In The 2024 Grand National Championship - Bradford Pits Superstars 1 Tom Harris - Warwickshire 16 Mat Newson - Norfolk 138 Dave Polley - Cambridgeshire 217 Lee Fairhurst - West Yorkshire 515 Frankie Wainman - West Yorkshire Stars 175 Karl Hawkins - West Yorkshire X 349 Michael Allard - Norfolk 446 Joe Booth - West Yorkshire in 93 car 463 James Morris - Cheshire 526 Finn Sargent - Lincolnshire 587 Samuel Brigg - West Yorkshire Blues 22 Lewis Hunter - Lancashire 34 Mal Brown - West Yorkshire 53 John Lund - Lancashire 95 Rob Mitchell - Lancashire 127 Austin Moore - X 166 Bobby Griffin 345 Jake Harrhy 525 Nigel de Kock Yellows 35 Neil Shenton 44 Tom Brown 67 Henry Robson 268 Richard Woods 352 Bradley Blyth 399 Harry Clayton in MN car 414 Harley Halton 453 Thomas Andrew 499 Marc Clayton Whites 31 Oliver Wadsworth 63 Thomas Balmer 299 Nathan Harrison 375 Craig Liddle 404 Danny Mitchell 469 Jonathan Davison 567 Craig Banwell in MN car Novices 125 Ryan Moore 144 Connor Medley in FWJ car X TBA Martin Redmond Classic F1 33 53 55 140 183 199 203 212 286 335 343 346 417 495
  19. Running Order 2pm - Car Park Opens 2.30pm - Gates open 4.15pm - Racing begins 1. Classic F1 Heat 1 - 12 laps 2. 1300cc Saloon Heat 1 3. Classic F1 Heat 2 - 12 laps 4. BriSCA F1 GNC 5. BriSCA F2 Heat 1 6. BriSCA F2 Heat 2 7. BriSCA F1 Heat 1 - First 8 to the Final 8. 1300cc Saloon Heat 2 9. BriSCA F1 Heat 2 - First 8 to the Final 10. BriSCA F2 Consolation 11. Classic F1 Final - 15 laps 12. BriSCA F1 Consolation - First 12 to the Final 13. BriSCA F2 Final 14. 1300cc Saloon Final 15. BriSCA F1 Final 16. BriSCA F2 GN 17. BriSCA F1 GN
  20. Greetings BriSCA F1 Stock Car fans Results coming from my good self today.
  21. Yesterday
  22. Northampton, 22nd March 2025 Driver Of The Day - 268 Richard Woods Racin' Rating - 6.07
  23. King's Lynn, 15th March 2025 Driver Of The Day - 345 Jake Harrhy Racin' Ratin 6.36
  24. Last week
  25. Still after them if anyone has any. Thanks
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