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Stoxnet Supporter 2023
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About Clive125

Profile Information

  • Location
    Aylesbury Bucks
  • Association with F1
    Fan since 1977, ex 125 1 meeting 1981
  • Association with F1 (longer)
    Had one meeting in a FWS hire car at Sheffield 1981 season, no 125, best finish 9th place

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  1. Hi Big Dunc, Not sure how many there were, my records show, I have Cronshaw, Harrison, Wild Wolf, Smiler and Stu Smith. PM me your details and I will get the ones you want in the post. Clive
  2. I have the original yellow one and the silver undated one, they are both yours if you want them both. Must admit that has not made much space in the loft. Send me a pm with your address and I will post them to you
  3. Anyone looking for anything ? I have most things that have been published from 1977 to date, including a hard copy of every BCSDA newsletter from 1981 to last month.
  4. I have 2 large photos both framed in good quality wood frames, 1 being 52x78 the other 60x86. I only have space for 1 , so it is time to let one go. Either one available to a good home at the right price.
  5. As 555 was lapped on the line by 515 and 217, how was 390 behind. I for one did not see 390 get lapped
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