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Ricky Lee James

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Everything posted by Ricky Lee James

  1. Again changed 555 points to 130 & his points scored from 14pts to 21pts so basically I forgot to add his 7pts he got in the consolation onto 14pts scored in final
  2. Changed 555 points to 130 from 123. My mistake I added the 14pts he got in final onto 109pts instead of onto the 116pts he was on after the consolation
  3. Announcement I've decided that I will be attending shootout round 8 at Northampton so if anyone wants to buy a Ricky James Shootout pen from me can you let me know by private message & also if anyone wants to get the chance to meet me face to face I will be more than happy to do so 😀
  4. Last year after round 6 390 - 287pts 217 - 228pts 515 - 205pts 16 - 195pts 212 - 194pts 445 - 184pts 55 - 148pts 422 - 142pts 197 - 127pts 259 - 125pts 4 - 89pts 464 - 54pts
  5. Point's After GN 390 - 242pts 515 - 239pts 16 - 226pts 212 - 209pts 84 - 153pts 217 - 152pts 555 - 123pts 4 - 120pts 259 - 119pts 220 - 108pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 16-84-212-217-220-259-390-555 & 515 with the lap handicap were in that Gn 217 - 4th - 11pts 515 - 5th - 10pts plus 10pts with lap handicap = 20pts 16 - 6th - 9pts 390 - 7th - 8pts 84 - 9th - 6pts Point's Scored 515 - 57pts 16 - 37pts 217 - 35pts 212 - 23pts 84 - 21pts 259 - 19pts 390 - 18pts 555 - 14pts 220 - 0pts That's Your Lot Till Shootout Round 7 At Birmingham 😀
  6. Point's After Final 390 - 234pts 515 - 219pts 16 - 217pts 212 - 209pts 84 - 147pts 217 - 141pts 555 - 123pts 4 - 120pts 259 - 119pts 220 - 108pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 16-84-212-217-259-390-515 & 555 were in that Final 515 - 1st - 25pts 212 - 2nd - 20pts 16 - 3rd - 18pts 217 - 4th - 16pts 555 - 5th - 14pts 259 - 6th - 12pts 84 - 8th - 8pts
  7. Point's After Consolation 390 - 234pts 16 - 199pts 515 - 194pts 212 - 189pts 84 - 139pts 217 - 125pts 4 - 120pts 555 - 116pts 220 - 108pts 259 - 107pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 220 & 555 were in that Consolation 555 - 2nd - 7pts 220 - DNF
  8. Lol what happens when where we sit back
  9. Point's After Heat 2 390 - 234pts 16 - 199pts 515 - 194pts 212 - 189pts 84 - 139pts 217 - 125pts 4 - 120pts 555 - 109pts 220 - 108pts 259 - 107pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 84-212-390 & 555 were in that heat 390 - 2nd - 10pts 84 - 5th - 7pts 212 - 9th - 3pts
  10. Point's After Heat 1 390 - 224pts 16 - 199pts 515 - 194pts 212 - 186pts 84 - 132pts 217 - 125pts 4 - 120pts 555 - 109pts 220 - 108pts 259 - 107pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 16-217-220-259 & 515 were in that heat 515 - 1st - 12pts 16 - 2nd - 10pts 217 - 4th - 8pts 259 - 5th - 7pts
  11. Cheers thanks m8 & I wasn't expecting that all someone post on here who is a derby fan lol & the scoreline won't affect how quickly I post at all plus I'm doing two great things this evening so I'm happy which is important to me very much 😀
  12. Hi Everyone, I Will Be Giving You The Points Update After Every Race From Tonight's Meeting While I'm Watching My Team Sheffield United Live On Skysports Away To Derby County 😀 Point's So Far Going Into King's Lynn Meeting Shootout Round 6. 390 - 224pts 16 - 189pts 212 - 186pts 515 - 182pts 84 - 132pts 4 - 120pts 217 - 117pts 555 - 109pts 220 - 108pts 259 - 100pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts
  13. Point's After GN 390 - 224pts 16 - 189pts 212 - 186pts 515 - 182pts 84 - 132pts 4 - 120pts 217 - 117pts 555 - 109pts 220 - 108pts 259 - 100pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 4-16-84-212-217-220-259-390-464-515 & 555 were in that GN 390 - 1st - 16pts 4 - 2nd - 13pts 84 - 4th - 11pts 515 - 9th - 6pts 212 - 10th - 5pts 16 - 11th - 4pts 259 - 12th - 3pts Point's Scored 390 - 44pts 4 - 39pts 84 - 32pts 16 - 20pts 515 - 18pts 220 - 17pts 212 - 12pts 217 - 8pts 259 - 6pts 464 - 5pts 555 - 1pt That's Your Lot Till Shootout Round 6 At King's Lynn 😀
  14. Point's changed due to 84 reinstated to 3rd place Point's After Final 390 - 208pts 16 - 185pts 212 - 181pts 515 - 176pts 84 - 121pts 217 - 117pts 555 - 109pts 220 - 108pts 4 - 107pts 259 - 97pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 4-16-84-212-217-220-259-390-464-515 & 555 were in that final 4 - 2nd - 20pts 84 - 3rd - 18pts 390 - 4th - 16pts 220 - 7th - 10pts 16 - 9th - 6pts 515 - 11th - 2pts
  15. Point's After GN 390 - 226pts 16 - 191pts 212 - 186pts 515 - 184pts 4 - 120pts 217 - 117pts 84 - 114pts 220 - 110pts 555 - 109pts 259 - 100pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 4-16-84-212-217-220-259-390-464-515 & 555 were in that GN 390 - 1st - 16pts 4 - 2nd - 13pts 84 - 4th - 11pts 515 - 9th - 6pts 212 - 10th - 5pts 16 - 11th - 4pts 259 - 12th - 3pts Point's Scored 390 - 46pts 4 - 39pts 16 - 22pts 515 - 20pts 220 - 19pts 84 - 14pts 212 - 12pts 217 - 8pts 259 - 6pts 464 - 5pts 555 - 1pt That's Your Lot Till Shootout Round 6 At King's Lynn 😀
  16. Point's After Final 390 - 210pts 16 - 187pts 212 - 181pts 515 - 178pts 217 - 117pts 220 - 110pts 555 - 109pts 4 - 107pts 84 - 103pts 259 - 97pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 4-16-84-212-217-220-259-390-464-515 & 555 were in that final 4 - 2nd - 20pts 390 - 3rd - 18pts 220 - 6th - 12pts 16 - 8th - 8pts 515 - 10th - 4pts
  17. Point's After Consolation 390 - 192pts 212 - 181pts 16 - 179pts 515 - 174pts 217 - 117pts 555 - 109pts 84 - 103pts 220 - 98pts 259 - 97pts 4 - 87pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 84 & 555 were in that Consolation 84 - 6th - 3pts 555 - 8th - 1pt
  18. Point's After Heat 2 390 - 192pts 212 - 181pts 16 - 179pts 515 - 174pts 217 - 117pts 555 - 108pts 84 - 100pts 220 - 98pts 259 - 97pts 4 - 87pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 16-84-217-220 & 390 were in that heat 390 - 1st - 12pts 16 - 2nd - 10pts 217 - 4th - 8pts 220 - 5th - 7pts 84 - DNF
  19. Point's After Heat 1 212 - 181pts 390 - 180pts 515 - 174pts 16 - 169pts 217 - 109pts 555 - 108pts 84 - 100pts 259 - 97pts 220 - 91pts 4 - 87pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 4-212-259-464 & 515 were in that heat 515 - 2nd - 10pts 212 - 5th - 7pts 4 - 6th - 6pts 464 - 7th - 5pts 259 - 9th - 3pts
  20. Hi Everyone, I Will Be Giving You The Points Update After Every Race From Tonight's Meeting. Point's So Far Going Into Skegness Meeting Shootout Round 5. 390 - 180pts 212 - 174pts 16 - 169pts 515 - 164pts 217 - 109pts 555 - 108pts 84 - 100pts 259 - 94pts 220 - 91pts 4 - 81pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 22pts
  21. Thanks for your comments I've added points scored above
  22. Point's After GN 390 - 180pts 212 - 174pts 16 - 169pts 515 - 164pts 217 - 109pts 555 - 108pts 84 - 100pts 259 - 94pts 220 - 91pts 4 - 81pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 22pts 16-212-220-217-259-515-555 & 390 Lap Handicap were in that gn 16 - 2nd - 13pts 515 - 4th - 11pts 390 - 5th - 10pts plus 10pts with lap handicap = 20pts 212 - 6th - 9pts 217 - 9th - 6pts 555 - 10th - 5pts 259 & 220 - DNF I've double checked the points & they are all correct. Point's Scored 390 - 55pts 16 - 47pts 212 - 40pts 217 - 31pts 515 - 20pts 555 - 18pts 220 - 9pts 259 - 6pts That's Your Lot Till Shootout Round 5 At Skegness 😀
  23. Point's After Final 212 - 165pts 390 - 160pts 16 - 156pts 515 - 153pts 217 - 103pts 555 - 103pts 84 - 100pts 259 - 94pts 220 - 91pts 4 - 81pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 22pts 16-212-220-217-259-390-515 & 555 were in that final 390 - 1st - 25pts 16 - 2nd - 20pts 212 - 3rd - 18pts 217 - 5th - 14pts 555 - 8th - 8pts
  24. Point's After Heat 3 515 - 153pts 212 - 147pts 16 - 136pts 390 - 135pts 84 - 100pts 555 - 95pts 259 - 94pts 220 - 91pts 217 - 89pts 4 - 81pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 22pts 212-217-220-259 & 515 were in that heat 220 - 2nd - 9pts 212 - 3rd - 8pts 259 - 5th - 6pts 217 - 7th - 4pts 515 - Finished but outside top 12 in 13th
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