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Ricky Lee James

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Everything posted by Ricky Lee James

  1. Point's After Heat 1 515 - 335pts 212 - 301pts 16 - 295pts 390 - 294pts 217 - 251pts 220 - 207pts 555 - 187pts 259 - 183pts 4 - 161pts 84 - 153pts 94 - 69pts 464 - 27pts 16-94-217-259 & 515 were in that heat 217 - 1st - 24pts 94 - 4th - 16pts 259 - 5th - 14pts 16 - 12th - 0pts (only Top 8) 515 - DNF
  2. Hi Everyone, I Will Be Giving You The Points Update After Every Race From Today's Meeting. Point's So Far Going Into Belle Vue Meeting Shootout Finale. 515 - 335pts 212 - 301pts 16 - 295pts 390 - 294pts 217 - 227pts 220 - 207pts 555 - 187pts 259 - 169pts 4 - 161pts 84 - 153pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts Been Told It's A Normal Format Meeting Today & It Might Be Top 8 From The Heats & Top 10 From The Consolation To The Final. So Here Is The Point's System Heats: 24-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4 / 11th & 12th 2pts Con: 16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2-2-2 / 11th & 12th 2pts Final: 50-40-36-32-28-24-20-16-12-8-4-4 Gn: 32-26-24-22-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6 If Shootout Driver Win's Final & Get's A Top 12 In The Grand National From A Lap Handicap He Would Score One Of The Following 1st = 64pts 2nd = 52pts 3rd = 48pts 4th = 44pts 5th = 40pts 6th = 36pts 7th = 32pts 8th = 28pts 9th = 24pts 10th = 20pts 11th = 16pts 12th = 12pts Outside Top 12 Without DNF - 10pts
  3. Example If it wasn't a double points meeting - If a shootout driver wins final and gets 6th in grand national he will score 9pts plus 9pts with lap handicap = 18pts Double Point's meeting he would score 18pts for 6th plus 18pts with lap handicap = 36pts
  4. 2/3rds Format meeting Heats: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-2-1-1 Final: 25-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2-2 Gn: 16-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3 2/3rds format shootout finale double points. Heats: 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-4-2-2 Final: 50-40-36-32-28-24-20-16-12-8-4-4 Gn: 32-26-24-22-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6
  5. Sure can. Normal meeting depends how many to final Heats: 12-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2 / 11th & 12th 1pt Con: 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-1-1 / 11th & 12th 1pt Final: 25-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2-2 Gn: 16-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3 Normal meeting Shootout Finale Double Points. Heats: 24-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4 / 11th & 12th 2pt Con: 16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2-2-2 / 11th & 12th 2pt Final: 50-40-36-32-28-24-20-16-12-8-4-4 Gn: 32-26-24-22-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6
  6. Point's After GN 515 - 335pts 212 - 301pts 16 - 295pts 390 - 294pts 217 - 227pts 220 - 207pts 555 - 187pts 259 - 169pts 4 - 161pts 84 - 153pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 16-212-217-220-259-515 & 555 were in that final 212 - 1st - 16pts 220 - 3rd - 12pts 217 - 4th - 11pts 555 - 5th - 10pts 16 - 10th - 5pts 515 - 12th - 3pts plus 3pts with lap handicap = 6pts Point's Scored 212 - 43pts 515 - 41pts 217 - 34pts 555 - 32pts 220 - 24pts 16 - 5pts That's Your Lot Till The Shootout Finale At Belle Vue 😀
  7. Point's After Final 515 - 329pts 390 - 294pts 16 - 290pts 212 - 285pts 217 - 216pts 220 - 195pts 555 - 177pts 259 - 169pts 4 - 161pts 84 - 153pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 212-217-220-259-515 & 555 were in that final 515 - 1st - 25pts 212 - 2nd - 20pts 555 - 3rd - 18pts 217 - 4th - 16pts 259 - 6th - 12pts
  8. Point's After Consolation 515 - 304pts 390 - 294pts 16 - 290pts 212 - 265pts 217 - 200pts 220 - 195pts 4 - 161pts 555 - 159pts 259 - 157pts 84 - 153pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 16 & 217 were in that heat 217 - 2nd - 7pts 16 - DNF
  9. Point's After Heat 2 515 - 304pts 390 - 294pts 16 - 290pts 212 - 265pts 220 - 195pts 217 - 193pts 4 - 161pts 555 - 159pts 259 - 157pts 84 - 153pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 16-212 & 515 were in that heat 515 - 2nd - 10pts 212 - 5th - 7pts 16 - DNF
  10. Point's After Heat 1 515 - 294pts 390 - 294pts 16 - 290pts 212 - 258pts 220 - 195pts 217 - 193pts 4 - 161pts 555 - 159pts 259 - 157pts 84 - 153pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 217-220-259 & 555 were in that heat 220 - 1st - 12pts 259 - 6th - 6pts 555 - 8th - 4pts 217 - DNF
  11. Hi Everyone, I Will Be Giving You The Points Update After Every Race From Tonight's Meeting. Point's So Far Going Into Stoke Meeting Shootout Round 9. 515 - 294pts 390 - 294pts 16 - 290pts 212 - 258pts 217 - 193pts 220 - 183pts 4 - 161pts 555 - 155pts 84 - 153pts 259 - 151pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts
  12. 220 won heat 1 & 25 won heat 2
  13. 515 goes top due highest score of 57pts where 390 highest score is 55pts 515 Frankie Wainman Jnr Round 1 - 29pts Round 2 - 16pts Round 3 - 46pts Round 4 - 20pts Round 5 - 18pts Round 6 - 57pts Round 7 - 20pts Round 8 - 35pts 390 Stuart Smith Round 1 - 24pts Roind 2 - 42pts Round 3 - 21pts Round 4 - 55pts Round 5 - 46pts Round 6 - 44pts Round 7 - 18pts Round 8 - 20pts
  14. Point's After GN 515 - 294pts 390 - 294pts 16 - 290pts 212 - 258pts 217 - 193pts 220 - 183pts 4 - 161pts 555 - 155pts 84 - 153pts 259 - 151pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 16-212-217-220-259-390-515 & 555 Were in that gn 515 - 1st - 16pts 212 - 4th - 11pts 220 - 5th - 10pts plus 10pts with lap handicap = 20pts 16 - 6th - 9pts 259 - 7th - 8pts 555 - 10th - 5pts Point's Scored 220 - 57pts 16 - 36pts 515 - 35pts 212 - 31pts 259 - 25pts 555 - 21pts 390 - 20pts 217 - 0pts That's Your Lot Till Shootout Round 9 At Stoke 😀
  15. Point's After Final 390 - 294pts 16 - 281pts 515 - 278pts 212 - 247pts 217 - 193pts 220 - 163pts 4 - 161pts 84 - 153pts 555 - 150pts 259 - 143pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 16-212-220-259-390-515 & 555 Were in that final 220 - 1st - 25pts 16 - 2nd - 20pts 515 - 3rd - 18pts 390 - 5th - 14pts 259 - 6th - 12pts 212 - 7th - 10pts 555 - 9th - 6pts
  16. Point's After Consolation 390 - 280pts 16 - 261pts 515 - 260pts 212 - 237pts 217 - 193pts 4 - 161pts 84 - 153pts 555 - 144pts 220 - 138pts 259 - 131pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 16-212-390 & 515 Were in that consolation 16 - 2nd - 7pts 390 - 3rd - 6pts 515 - 8th - 1pt (had a flat outside rear tyre)
  17. Point's After Heat 2 390 - 274pts 515 - 259pts 16 - 254pts 212 - 237pts 217 - 193pts 4 - 161pts 84 - 153pts 555 - 144pts 220 - 138pts 259 - 131pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 16-212-390 & 515 Were in that heat 212 - 2nd - 10pts 16-390 & 515 - DNF
  18. Point's After Heat 1 390 - 274pts 515 - 259pts 16 - 254pts 212 - 227pts 217 - 193pts 4 - 161pts 84 - 153pts 555 - 144pts 220 - 138pts 259 - 131pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 217-220-259 & 555 Were in heat 1 220 - 1st - 12pts 555 - 2nd - 10pts 259 - 7th - 5pts Top 8 to final. 217 lap down
  19. Posting this now instead of later we left at 7am from sheffield with family where we will be stopping at Toby Carvery East Hunbury in Northampton for breakfast 😀 before we arrive at Northampton Shaleway car park. Hi Everyone, I Will Be Giving You The Updates After Every Race On My Mobile Phone While I'm At Northampton Shaleway Today 😀 Point's So Far Going Into Northampton Meeting Shootout Round 8. 390 - 274pts 515 - 259pts 16 - 254pts 212 - 227pts 217 - 193pts 4 - 161pts 84 - 153pts 555 - 134pts 220 - 126pts 259 - 126pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts
  20. Point's After GN 390 - 274pts 515 - 259pts 16 - 254pts 212 - 227pts 217 - 193pts 4 - 161pts 84 - 153pts 555 - 134pts 220 - 126pts 259 - 126pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 16-212-217-220-390-515-555 & 4 from lap handicap were in that GN 390 - 1st - 16pts 217 - 2nd - 13pts 212 - 6th - 9pts 16 - 9th - 6pts 4 - 11th - 4pts plus 4pts with lap handicap = 8pts 515 - 12th - 3pts Point's Scored 4 - 41pts 217 - 41pts 390 - 32pts 16 - 28pts 212 - 22pts 515 - 20pts 220 - 18pts 259 - 7pts 555 - 4pts That's Your Lot Till Shootout Round 8 At Northampton 😀 Which I Will Be Attending That Meeting & Doing Point's There On My Mobile Phone 😀
  21. Point's After Final 390 - 258pts 515 - 256pts 16 - 248pts 212 - 218pts 217 - 180pts 4 - 153pts 84 - 153pts 555 - 134pts 220 - 126pts 259 - 126pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 4-16-212-217-220-390-515 & 555 were in that Final 4 - 1st - 25pts 217 - 3rd - 18pts 515 - 5th - 14pts 16 - 7th - 10pts 390 - 8th - 8pts 220 - 9th - 6pts 212 - 10th - 4pts
  22. Point's After Consolation 390 - 250pts 515 - 242pts 16 - 238pts 212 - 214pts 217 - 162pts 84 - 153pts 555 - 134pts 4 - 128pts 259 - 126pts 220 - 120pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 4 & 259 were in that Consolation 4 - 1st - 8pts 259 - 2nd - 7pts
  23. Point's After Heat 2 390 - 250pts 515 - 242pts 16 - 238pts 212 - 214pts 217 - 162pts 84 - 153pts 555 - 134pts 220 - 120pts 4 - 120pts 259 - 119pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 16-212-390 & 515 were in that heat 16 - 1st - 12pts 390 - 4th - 8pts 212 - 7th - 5pts 515 - 9th - 3pts
  24. Point's After Heat 1 390 - 242pts 515 - 239pts 16 - 226pts 212 - 209pts 217 - 162pts 84 - 153pts 555 - 134pts 220 - 120pts 4 - 120pts 259 - 119pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts 4-217-220-259 & 555 were in that heat 220 - 1st - 12pts 217 - 2nd - 10pts 555 - 8th - 4pts
  25. Posting this on way home from Sheffield United Match 😀 Hi Everyone, I Will Be Giving You The Points Update After Every Race From Tonight's Meeting. Point's So Far Going Into Birmingham Meeting Shootout Round 7. 390 - 242pts 515 - 239pts 16 - 226pts 212 - 209pts 84 - 153pts 217 - 152pts 555 - 130pts 4 - 120pts 259 - 119pts 220 - 108pts 94 - 53pts 464 - 27pts
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