F1 stockcar for sale not a hotrod, but a genuine stockcar!!! www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Brisca-F1-Stock-Car/171266081654 Any questions, please phone Gav................ 07736066528
Rally tyres for sale, good quality Ring Lee or Derek for details and delivery to tracks................................... Phone Lee on 07748172158 or Derek 07901970800
RadTek radiator wanted........................................ If you have one and are interested in selling yours, please PM me or Lee with contact details, if you already have Derek's number please give him a ring Thanks for looking
Sparco overalls for sale As used by Lee..............F2 213 Size 48 Height.....170/176 Chest......92/96 This is taken from the label Black with light grey upper body, no rips or tears Good clean condition PM and make us an offer we cannot refuse This item will be going on ebay in the next few weeks.