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Posts posted by Chris53

  1. It's the time of year when Hosting and Support contracts fall due for renewal, to see us through Season 2016.
    Thanks to the contributions of Stoxnet Supporters last time around, we have had a surplus in the bank account,
    but that wouldn't have been enough on it's own to pay the bills.

    Step forward one particular Supporter who, with amazing generosity, has been drip feeding the Stoxnet bank
    account on a monthly basis over past year. Those additional donations have made up the shortfall, and as a result,
    it's all systems go for the new season. We won't name names for fear of embarrassment, but you know who you
    are, and we thank you so much for your additional support.

    All Supporters will retain their badges for 2016, and here's to a great season ahead!

    Thanks again for your continued support.


  2. Awards Season, so once again time for the annual Stoxnet Awards! As always, many thanks to all who joined in during the 2015 season, and here are the results based upon your DotD views and RR scores throughout the year.

    For the benefit of our new members, a quick reminder that the Awards are based upon a "add up" of the individual meeting DotD wins, the average RR scores for all tracks hosting a minimum of three 'in season' meetings, and the highest individual meeting scores, throughout the previous season.

    Driver of the Year

    All change! Only one driver from last years top three makes it on to the podium this time around.

    1st 217 Lee Fairhurst
    2nd = 53 John Lund and Dan Johnson
    3rd = 390 SSJ and 94 John Dowson

    Congratulations to Lee, taking top spot with 6 DotD wins, after a brilliant season topped off with the British title - and who would have predicted Lundy in second spot and John Dowson in the top three! A big well done to the two Johns, along with Shootout Champ Dan and Stuart - the only surviver from last years Podium, repeating his third place of 2014.

    Track of the Year

    (Position/Last year/Track/Average Score for all qualifying meetings)

    1st - (2) Kings Lynn - 8.08
    2nd - (3) NIR - 7.97
    3rd - (1) Coventry - 7.93
    4th - (4) Belle Vue - 7.63
    5th - (-) Skegness - 7.47

    Kings Lynn back on top - but for the first time, in a long time, it's not a fight for the win with Coventry. Well done to Paul, Buster and the KL team, but a big shout also to the NIR team, taking their highest position ever with second spot. No doubt Jeremy and co will be going all out to regain lost places in what looks like the final season at Brandon.

    Meeting of the Year

    1st - Kings Lynn 25/04 - 9.77
    2nd - NIR 29/08 - 9.69
    3rd - Coventry 04/07 - 9.55
    4th - Stoke 26/09 - 9.14
    5th - Skegness 10/10 - 8.71

    Kings Lynn retain the Meeting of the Year title with "that" epic in April, which will be long remembered by anyone who was there. Once again, NIR pushes Coventry into third spot, with their best result since the 2011 World Final meeting. Lets hope for more great tar racing in 2016 - can NIR go one better and finally break the shale stranglehold on top spots?

    Again, thanks to everyone who joined in - hope you'll be back for more in a few months time. If you'd like to compare the latest results with prior years, just click on the Stoxnet Awards tab at the top of the page, and all will be revealed.

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