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Everything posted by nic

  1. Final Result Winner - 48 Niek Damstra Second - 248 Mica Ronitz Third - 124 Wim Peeters 47 197 220 99 482 71 5 - 481 12 16 6 999 451 2 393 DNF 97 106 229 240 318 That’s all Folks Big big Thank You to Hary
  2. Heat Three Winner - 124 Wim Peeters 229 220 6 97 99 248 47 71 318 - 482 393 16 482 5 12 197 999 106 461 2 48
  3. Heat Two Winner - 48 Niek Damstra 393 47 482 124 229 220 6 97 12 - 248 481 240 106 461 999 99 5 2 DNF 16 318
  4. Heat One Winner - 71 Levi Pepels 393 229 47 97 220 440 481 12 16 - 318 5 999 461 106 48 2 99 6 DNF 124 197 248 482
  5. Greetings race fans It’s another big Thank You to Hary
  6. That’s all folks big big thank you to Hary Bsck tomorrow from Venray
  7. Results Summary BriSCA F1 StockCars Heat 1 Winner - 84 Tom Harris 217 587 21 18 127 463 499 211 271 31 175 364 Heat 2 Winner - 84 Tom Harris 16 525 35 31 501 127 499 44 53 nof Heat 3 Winner - 55 Craig Finnikin 21 217 216 16 463 53 175 515 525 Final Winner - 55 Craig Finnikin Second - 587 Sam Brigg Third - 217 Lee Fairhurst 16 127 216 21 53 525 499 - 463 nof Dash for the Cash Winner - 84 Tom Harris 16 525 515 53 216 20 127 55 499 Micro F2 Heat 1 Winner - 882 John Teddy Foster 664 63 503 435 515 219 41 641 401 - 75 Heat 2 Winner - 503 Theo Hemingway 640 604 41 219 515 380 433 491 75 Heat 3 Winner - 882 John Teddy Foster 63 433 380 640 503 41 219 nof 1600cc Bangers Heat 1 Winner - 181 Craig Allen 197 190 17 97 515 900 410 254 32 Heat 2 Winner - 197 Glen Woodward Final Winner - 488 Paul Dean 900 181 190 197 97 105 nof
  8. Dash for the Cash Full Result 84 16 525 515 53 216 20 127 55 499 Thats all folks back next week from Sheffield
  9. 84 Tom Harris wins after leading driver 217 git tangled up passing a back marker with 3 to go!!
  10. 10 lap Dash for the Cash On Track for £500 525 16 217 84 525 216 175 499 127 55 20 53 268
  11. Final Full Result 55 587 217 16 127 216 21 53 525 499 - 463 nof
  12. Final Top Three Winner - 55 Craig Finnikin Second - 587 Sam Brigg Third - 217 Lee Fairhurst
  13. About halfway yf 31 on t4 outer race line all ok 84 had a comfortable lead, then inside rear tyre punctured. Retired to infield during yf restart order 55 217 587 127 216 53 16 525 463 21 499 218 nor
  14. Final On Track 84 217 21 16 463 525 127 499 31 55 53 587 216 175 501 515 Then car number 7 was drawn a pole so startinf grid is 127 499 31 55 53 587 216 175 501 515 84 217 21 16 463 525 299 80 218
  15. Heat Three Full Result 55 21 217 216 16 463 53 175 515 525 nof
  16. 55 Craig Finnikin wins heat 3 for his 8th race win this season
  17. Restart order 216 55 21 16 217 463 53 515 525 175 nor
  18. Lap 12 ish yf 299 stranded on t4 racing line all ok
  19. Restart order 216 21 55 16 217 463 175 515 53 525 67 44 299 218 nor
  20. Halfway red flag 18 Daniel Ford rollover on back straight All ok waving to the crowd
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