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Everything posted by nic

  1. Grand National on track 152 lap Handicap NZ1 NZ26v NZ26k NZ34p 6 14 27 36 38 47 48 52 54 56 61 124 161 179 181 195 214 226 229 248 295 296 311 332 337 511 603 604 627 661 717
  2. Final Result 152 161 61 618 47 86 604 14 325 337 226 317
  3. Final Top Three 152 Gert-Jan Klok 161 Tom Naris 61 Koen Maris
  4. Final qualifiers NZ1 14 NZ26 36 38 47 48 61 76 79 86 99 100 124 141 152 161 179 181 226 311 315 317 337 496 592 604 618 717 800
  5. 152 Gert-Jan Klok by a quarter of a lap wins the consolation Full result 152 124 48 36 179 99 NZ1 592 496 717 - NZ26v 54 first 10 to the final
  6. Restart order 152 626 NZ1 124 54 99 48 36 6 717 NZ26 179 692 229 496 nor
  7. Restart order 214 717 496 54 6 48 661 332 1 152 27 295 215 etc
  8. Consolation on Track Whites 48 214 296637 917 Yellows 6 34 54 625 NZ26 496 Blues 36 179 195 215 295 511 532 592 603 661 Reds 27 99 152 248 NZ1 Superstars 124 299
  9. 54 Sierd de Vries wins heat 2 54 76 14 86 141 311 47 79 800 618 - 38 615 First ten from heats and consolation to the final.
  10. Restart order 54 825 76 6 215 152 141 14 311 296 38 618 47 800 627 661 79 496 179 603 nor
  11. Heat Two On Track as per program Whites 296 627 Yellows 6 54 104 179 496 661 NZ26v Blues 38 76 215 311 332 511 603 800 Reds 14 79 141 418 NZ1k Superstars 47 86 152 229 618
  12. 100 Joey Sloof wins heat 1 61 161 337 315 317 NZ26 604 226 181
  13. Heat One on track As per program Whites 90 317 717 Yellows 48 100 161 240 625 NZ34p 214 USA 52 Blues 36 56 195 295 315 337 592 604 NZ26k Reds 27 99 226 248 Superstars 61 124 181 410
  14. Tonight’s meeting format Race 1 - BriSCA F1 StockCars - Heat 1 - First 12 to the final Race 2 - BriSCA F1 StockCars - Heat 2 - First 12 to the final Race 3 - 2L National Saloon StockCars - Heat 1 Race 4 BriSCA F1 StockCars - Consolation- First 12 to the final Race 5 - 2L National Saloon StockCars - Heat 2 Race 6 BriSCA F1 StockCars - Final Race 7 2L National Saloon StockCars - Final Race 8 - BriSCA F1 StockCars - Grand National - First 36 car ready.
  15. Greetings from nic and Roy for the 2023 BriSCA WORLD FINAL 3 day weekend of Big League Stock Car Racing at Northampton International Raceway Shaleway.
  16. A very wet Final Results Winner - 229 Tsjalle Greidanus Second - 618 Wybe De Vries Third - 181 Mark Veenstra UK268 14 36 591 332 155 54 - 699 500 44 56 15 7 DNF 20 35 47 61 75 79 143 152 215 295 305 311 317 410 UK415 418 800 That's all Folks Big Thank you from a wet Hary Bring on 2023 World Final weekend at Northampton Shaleway.
  17. Heat 6 Result Winner - 47 Danny Van Wamelen 410 618 75 155 36 699 56 315 15 - 143 79 UK415 35 496 500 DNF 44 76 100 305 332
  18. Results Summary BriSCA F1 StockCars. (All In Format) Whites & Yellows Winner - 67 Henry Robson 345 35 238 580 (5 cars started) Heat 1 Winner - 55 Craig Finnikin 212* 345 35 555 217* 515* 84* 2* 463* - 525 16* 67 20* H337 259* 289 NZ1 238 nof Heat 2 - Winner - 345 Jake Harrhy 55 212 67 217 289 2 555 515 84 - 525 463 35 16 259 238 nof Final - All in Winner - 212 Danny Wainman Second - 515 Frankie Wainman Junior Third - 2 Paul Harrison 345 259 217 16 20 nof Grand National - Winner - 217 Lee Fairhurst 16 84 259 20 289 212 555 525 238 515 463 2 BriSCA V8 HotStox (All in format) Heat 1 Winner - 276 Mark Poole 77 201 296 329 10 453 525 NZ34 82 Heat 2 Winner - 77 Rudi Coleano 329 201 176 276 10 350 nof Final Winner - 453 Thomas Andrew Second - 201 Evan Bullock Third - 176 Stephen Young 329 276 10 525 77 296 nof Grand National Winner - 77 Rudi Coleano 201 176 10 296 329 276 525 453 NZ34 2L National Saloons (All in) Heat 1 Winner - 238 Alfie Aldous m 136 120 349 760 26 261 122 40 36 573 334 nof Heat 2 Winner - 136 Harry Bruce 238 573 349 40 760 626 122 261 36 120 nof Final Winner - 120 Luke Dorling Second - 349 Michael Allard Third - 136 Harry Bruce 238 573 40 760 626 122 261 All Comers Winner - 349 Michael Allard 238 120 760 122 - not announced
  19. Grand National Result 217 16 84 259 20 289 212 555 525 238 515 463 2 nof That’s all Folks Back in a couple weeks for the Friday night World Final Weekend racing
  20. 217 Lee Fairhurst wins the Grand National with 2 to go 84 pushed 217 wide, but allowed 16 up the inside, all 3 got a little tangled, 217 got away, and 16 and 84 follies at some distance behind. .
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