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Everything posted by nic

  1. It is 70 years to the day that stock cars first raced here at Osdal 26/5/1954 6000th Meeting Format Pit gate 9.30am Carpark open 10am Gates open 10.30am First Race 12.30pm Race 1 - Classic F1 demonstration - Race 1 Race 2 - BriSCA F1 - (2/3rds Whites & Yellows - Heat 1 Race 3 - BriSCA F2 - Heat 1 Race 4 - BriSCA F1 - Heat 2 Race 5 - BriSCA F2 - Heat 2 Race 6 - Classic F1 demonstration - Race 2 Race 7 - BriSCA F1 - Heat 3 Race 8 - BriSCA F2 - Heat 3 Race 9 - Classic F1 demonstration - Race 3 Race 10 - BriSCA F1 - Final (All in) Race 11 - BriSCA F2 - Final (All in) Race 12 - BriSCA F1 - Grand National Race 13 - BriSCA F2 - Grand National
  2. Greetings BriSCA F1 Stock Car race fans from a wet Bradford.
  3. Meeting Summary BriSCA F1 Stock Cars Heat 1 Winner - 97 Ryan Harrison 457 463 515 345 216 127 163 - 532 44 350 H418 217 Heat 2 Winner - H410 Jelle Tesselaar 1 55 16 525 157 554 259 - 175 268 20 44 Consolation Winner - 217 Lee Fairhurst H418 175 20 95 235 93 532 350 44 469 350 20 235 Final - Dave Berresford Memorial Trophy Winner - 1 Tom Harris Second - 97 Ryan Harrison Third - 16 Mat Newson H410 55 217 216 235 157 259 - 20 235 Grand National Winner - 446 Joe Booth 554 1 124 463 525 127 55 175 16 - 44 216 1300cc Saloon StockCars Heat 1 Winner - 1 Sam Lawrie 14 31 288 414 374 278 8 825 889 Heat 2 Winner - 14 Harrison Veall 1 288 704 8 414 430 31 241 555 Final Winner - 1 Sam Lawrie Second - 14 Harrison Veall Third - 414 Mark Veall 704 31 8 889 835 nof 1600cc Bangers Heat 1 Winner - 227 Gavin Taylor 252 155 327 112 246 210 268 46 619 Heat 2 Winner -252 Finlay Bentham 181 227 155 609 112 515 197 453 460 Final Winner - 155 Second - 268 Third - 227 527 453 460 28 114 nof DD winner - 28 Joe Lancaster
  4. Grand National Result 446 554 1 124 463 525 127 55 175 16 - 44 216 That’s all Folks Back tomorrow from here for more F1 Stock Cars
  5. In tricky conditions, it’s raining!! 446 Joe Booth wins the Grand National after overtaking 554 with 3 to go
  6. Grand National On track Lap Handicap 1 Whites 44 530 Yellows 469 453 235 93 Blues 554 163 157 127 446 525 457 Reds 124 95 216 20 463 H40 Superstars 345 175 217 55 515 16
  7. Dave Berresford Memorial Trophy Final result 1 97 16 H410 55 217 216 235 157 259 20 345
  8. 1 Tom Harris drove off into the distance to win the Final and Dave Berresford Memorial Trophy Very distant second - 97 Ryan Harrison Third - 16 Mat Newson
  9. Lap 12 ish ish yf 95 on back straight all ok
  10. Final on track for the Dave Berresford Memorial Trophy Whites 44 530 Yellows 469 350 235 93 532 Blues 554 163 157 127 525 457 Reds 95 H418 H410 216 20 463 259 Superstars 345 175 217 55 515 16 97 1 dns 532 No reserve as it’s a WCQR
  11. Consolation Result Amendment from race control 217 H418 175 20 95 235 93 532 530 44 469 350 and first 12 to the final
  12. Consolation Result 217 - In Goodswen car, H418 175 95 93 532 530 44 469 350 - 20 235 dnf H40 124 268 337 404 414 453
  13. 217 Lee Fairhurst wins the consolation after losing the lead to a very fast H418, but 217 capitalised on a H418 mistake coming out of t2 for the win
  14. Restart order 217 H418 175 124 95 93 532 20 44 235 530 469 350 79 nor
  15. About 5 to go yf 414 stranded just off the race line on t2
  16. Restart order 530 217 44 175 H418 532 414 124 95 469 79 93 350 235 20 nor
  17. About half way - red flag 268 roll over on t1/t2 All ok
  18. Consolation on track Whites 44 404 530 414 Yellows 469 453 79 268 350 235 93 532 337 Blues 446 Reds 124 95 H418 20 H40 (with new silver wing) Superstars 175 217 Novices
  19. Heat 2 Result H410 1 55 16 525 157 554 259 - 175 268 20 44 dnf H40 235 404 530
  20. Dejavu - probably spelt wrong Tom has thwarted by a back marker going into the last bend on the last lap for H410 Jelle Tesselaar to come through for the win to a cheering crowd!!
  21. Restart order H140 554 525 157 268 414 55 1 16 259 175 235 20 95 530 453 nor
  22. On restart lap on back straight roll over by H40 all ok
  23. Restart order 268 414 554 H410 157 525 235 55 H40 1 16 259 175 453 20 530 95 nof
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