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4 mr feelgoods

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    Long time F1 fan now having a go at F2 and loving every minute. Engineering background helps!!!!
  • Association with F1
  1. This back panel is not on ebay, just put your bids on here, and the highest bid wins
  2. Received the first bid on the back panel.Bidding now stands at £75.00 We will run the bidding upto Sunday at 10pm.
  3. Paul has kindly given me his shale back panel to raise money for Motor Neurones Disease. I asked the following drivers at Coventry on saturday 2nd of June 2012 if they would sign it for me. Paul Hines, Paul Harrison, Tom Harris, Dan Johnson, Michael Scriven, Murray & Ryan Harrison,Mick Sworder, Craig Finnikin, Matt Newson, John Lund, James &Ed Neachell, Luke Davidson, Frankie Snr, Frankie Jnr & Danny Wainman. Offers Please. Thanks Liz King.....
  4. All sold. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  5. 4 off Valvoline VR1 20/50 5 Litre for sale..........£22.50 Each or all 4 for £80.00 Can take to Skeggy on Good Friday or Coventry the following day. Phone Chris King on 0784 110 4133.
  6. Here Are Some Pictures: From Liz.
  7. My Wife Liz has for sale her hand crafted Stockcards of F1, F2 & Mini-stox. These cards are decoupaged (3-d).. Liz can personalise them of your favourite driver in to Birthday,Christmas, wedding or just a thank-you card. Each card are £3.00 each plus £1.00 p & p. Please contact Liz with your requirements. Tel. 07964 768088 or 0116 2215022. (her cards have been on sale off the back of our trailer at a few meetings this year so you might have viewed them for yourselve). Many thanks for reading this.
  8. BRILLIANT.....Thanks very much for phone number.Cheers..... Chris
  9. Can anybody let me know how many resturant places are still available as i would like to surprise me misses with a sunday dinner! She says i never take her out much so heres my chance. Also can anybody give me Sheffields phone number.Cheers..........Chris.
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