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Everything posted by nic

  1. Heat 1 result Winner - 305 Ron van Wamelen 35 484 56 88 20 152 434 16 95 - 500 87 453 161 27 524 128 75 6 nof Heat 2 result Winner - 141 Richard Falkena 79 61 317 14 453 484 236 259 604 - 20 36 609 76 179 nof Heat 3 Winner - 141 Richard Falkena 152 56 161 36 27 524 305 661 609 - 777 88 434 143 128 nof Heat 4 Winner - 592 Auke Osinga 35 152 236 661 317 179 337 76 453 - 20 87 75 79 14 16 62 6 524 259 500 nof Heat 5 Winner - 141 Richard Falkena 143 14 76 592 79 236 61 56 161 - 36 305 95 337 604 nof
  2. 25 races F1 have 5 heats + Final 3 races from 5 for drivers
  3. Another big Thank You to Hary for sending me the results
  4. Meeting Results summary BriSCA F1 Heat 1 Winner - 410 Jelle Tesselaar 93 1 H229 138 175 268 463 259 95 446 H496 Heat 2 Winner - 55 Craig Finnikin 97 H511 5 525 515 157 124 526 127 2 345 Heat 3 Winner - 457 Callum Gill 216 217 16 212 381 20 H181 11 545 580 404 Last Chance Winner - H511 Arjen de Wilde 418 11 95 345 352 - 335 73 453 545 H496 403 European Championship - closed grid Winner - 97 Ryan Harrison Second - 1 Tom Harris Third - 515 Frankie Wainman Junior 138 16 217 20 410 124 175 - H511 555 Inter-nations Cup Grand National, racing for the Bev Greenhalf Trophy Winner - 1 Tom Harris 16 515 20 216 95 97 H229 418 73 - 545 127 BriSCA F2 European Championship - closed grid Winner - 647 Chris Burgoyne Runner-up - 414 Josh Rayner Third - H186 Ricardo Schmidt 7 58 324 129 47 34 3 Heat 1 Winner - 69 Ben Chalkley 995 3 615 674 223 H154 414 801 43 H249 795 Heat 2 Winner - 183 Charlie Guinchard 647 129 618 7 47 24 324 H131 880 217 383 Consolation Winner - 700 Adam Rubery H103 H124 H325 34 818 113 795 H139 286 H655 346 Inter-nations Cup Final, racing for Bev Greenhalf Trophy Winner - 183 Charlie Guinchard Second - 346 Ashley England Third - H124 Wim Peeters 24 3 7 615 393 69 129 H78 995 Luke Branston Memorial Grand National Winner - 346 Ashley England Second - 7 Gordon Moodie Third - 129 Charlie Tomblin H78 89 615 78 24 H249 801 286 2L National Saloon Stock Cars Heat 1 Winner - 277 Jack Grandon 561 48 389 84 298 349 238 521 541 730 26 Heat 2 Winner - 641 Willie Skoyles Junior 561 277 527 389 730 261 474 298 162 902 349 Final Winner - 389 Ryan Santry Second - 349 Michael Allard Third - 641 Willie Skoyles Junior 730 902 561 48 261 277 474
  5. Bev Greenhalf Trophy and Grand National and Inter-nations result 1 16 515 20 216 95 97 H229 418 73 - 545 127 That’s all folks Back in 2 weeks time from Ippy
  6. Bev Greenhalf Trophy and Grand National and Inter-nations winner 1 Tom Harris
  7. Lap 5 ish yf restart order 157 93 138 545 414 235 73 16 95 H496 16 457 124 1 55 515 20 H229 216 127 352 418 345 79 381 97 282 530 463 453 nor
  8. Inter-nations Cup Grand National, racing for the Bev Greenhalf Trophy On track Lap handicap 97 Whites 404 580 H296 Yellows 11 79 93 157 414 H496 530 Blues 73 95 127 235 268 352 381 453 457 Reds 20 124 216 259 345 410 463 526 Superstars 1 16 55 138 H229 515 Novices 282
  9. 2024 European Championship Result 97 1 515 138 16 217 20 410 124 175 - H511 555 Other finishers 127 H181 11
  10. 197 Ryan Harrison is the 2024 European Champion Second - 1 Tom Harris Third - 515 Frankie Wainman Junior
  11. Restart order 97 515 2 1 16 410 217 138 20 525 175 555 511 352 124 469 457 181 11 nor
  12. Restart lap yf 526 418 157 in t3 fence and 216 with loose airfoil , removed by dragging along fence during yf
  13. European Championship coming on track Closed Grid 97 - 515 5 - 1 446 - 212 410 - 16 217 - 175 157 - 138 55 - 457 259 - 555 525 - 216 526 - 20 124 - 127 H181 - 2 463 - H229 469 - 93 H511 - 418 11 - 95 345 - 352 Reserves 335 & 73
  14. Last Chance result H511 418 11 95 345 352 - 335 73 453 545 H496 403 dnf 79 120 268 296 499
  15. Restart order 580 414 469 496 296 11 545 499 453 511 352 418 95 381 345 120 73 335 282 403 235 nir
  16. Last Chance on track First 6 to the back of the European Championship race Whites 580 H296 404 Yellows 414 499 79 H496 545 11 Blues 453 268 235 120 381 335 352 73 95 73 H511 Reds 418 345 Novices 282 403
  17. Heat 3 result 457 216 217 16 212 381 20 H181 11 545 580 403 dnf 73 166 335 418 453
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