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Everything posted by nic

  1. Fence repaired 399 and 525 and 498 not in the restart
  2. Complete restart - after fence repairs are completed
  3. Lap 1 yf 525 and 498 hitting t1 wall very hard all ok apart from the fence!!
  4. Final on track Whites 226 399 287 Yellows 22 132 559 339 452 269 11 157 Blues 453 368 498 525 120 147 551 381 8 Reds 410 124 48 408 259 5 526 166 345 Superstars 175 515 16 Novices 523 116
  5. Heat 3 Result 287 226 368 381 408 157 339 48 5 22 only first 10 announced
  6. 287 Jansen Wilkinson with a flag to flag victory and surviving a last bender wins heat 3, taking a strip of armco across the finish line as well.
  7. Heat 3 on track Whites 287 226 420 325 399 Yellows 22 559 339 452 269 157 Blues 368 525 498 147 381 Reds 410 48 408 259 5 166 345 Superstars 175 16 Novices 116
  8. Heat 2 Result 132 551 399 124 526 166 515 259 48 8 - 11 120 dnf 16 368 453 559
  9. 132 James Hall- Morton just stays far enough ahead of the getting closer every lap car of 551 to win heat 2.
  10. Heat 2 on track - 23 cars Whites 226 399 Yellows 132 559 452 11 157 Blues 453 368 120 498 551 381 Reds 124 48 8 259 526 166 Superstars 515 16 Novices 523 116
  11. Heat 1 Result 408 515 551 5 526 8 11 120 147 287 only first 10 announced dnf 124 172 175 325 339 345 408,s first win starting from red.
  12. 408 Ant Whorton-Eales survives a last bend big hit from 515 to drag race to the line to win heat 1
  13. Next lap yf restart order 287 408 147 515 5 8 120 269 410 526 175 345 147 525 22 11 453 132 420 523 nor
  14. Restart order 226 327 523 420 22 120 551 269 147 408 5 11 515 8 526 410 175 345 535 463 132 nor
  15. Lap 4 ish yf 325 in t2 fence all ok
  16. Heat 1 on Track - 25 cars Whites 287 420 327 523 325 Yellows 22 132 339 172 269 11 Blues 453 525 120 147 551 Reds 410 124 408 8 5 526 345 Superstars 175 515
  17. In the 2024 last WCQR Ipswich pits - In Tarmac grade order 2024 WCQ position and points also displayed. Superstar Grade 175 Karl Hawkins - 18th appearance - 10th-129 in the 30 car 515 Frankie Wainman Junior - 18th appearance - 3rd-295 16 Mat Newson - 18th appearance - 2nd-397 Star Grade 410 Jelle Tesselaar - 6th appearance - 45th-48 124 Karl Gray - 16th appearance - 21st - 90 48 Shaun Webster - 9th appearance - 14th - 118 408 Ant Whorton-Eales - 7th appearance - 30th - 61 259 Paul Hines - 16th appearance - 9th-147 5 Charlie Sworder - 12th appearance - 16th - 110 526 Finn Sargent - 11th appearance - 25th - 81 (Last years final winner) 166 Bobby Griffin - 13th appearance - 13th - 122 345 Jake Harrhy - 19th appearance - 11th - 129 A Grade 453 Thomas Andrew - 18th appearance - 51st - 39 368 Callum Thornton - 4th appearance - 53rd - 38 498 Olly Spencer - 7th appearance - 31st - 61 525 Nigel de Kock - 8th appearance - 35th - 38 in MN car 120 Casey Englestone - 15th appearance - 50th - 39 147 Eddie Collins - 6th appearance - 33rd - 60 551 Courtney Finnikin-Hansford - 7th appearance - 29th - 72 381 Tyrone Evans - 11th appearance - 17th - 109 8 Catherine Harris - 1st 2024 appearance - 27th - 77 B Grade 22 Lewis Hunter - 8th appearance - 38th - 52 132 James Hall-Morton - 6th appearance - 40th - 50 559 Lilly Finnikin - 6th appearance - 68th - 16 339 Anthony Lee - 3rd appearance - 63rd - 24 172 Micky Randell - 5th appearance - 73rd - 12 452 Joshua Spiers - 6th appearance - 48th - 43 269 Thomas Rogers - 5th appearance - 57th - 27 11 Neil Scriven - 8th appearance - 56th - 28 157 Adam Joyce - 7th appearance - 18th - 108 C Grade - numerical order 116 John Smith - 1st 2024 appearance - zero points in MN car 226 Darren Lindsay - 4th appearance - 85th - 6 287 Jason Wilkinson - 3rd appearance - 55th - 30 325 Richard Davies - 4th appearance - zero points 327 Dan Hughes - 5th appearance - 93rd - 4 399 Harry Clayton - 6th appearance - 64th - 24 420 Jamie Huckfield - 5th appearance - 76th - 11 523 Brooke Kitson - 2nd appearance - 107th - 1 point BriSCA National MiniStox National HotRods
  18. Last 2024 World Championship Qualifying Round meeting format First Race 6pm Race 1 - BriSCA F1 - Heat 1 (2/3rds) Race 2 - National MiniStox - Heat 1 (All in) Race 3 - National Hot Rod - Heat 1 (All in) Race 4 - BriSCA - Heat 2 Race 5 - National MiniStox - Heat 2 Race 6 - National Hot Rod - Heat 2 Race 7 - BriSCA F1 - Heat 3 Race 8 - National MiniStox Final Race 9 - BriSCA F1 - Final Race 10 - National Hot Rod Angie Rowe Thunder 500 Race 11 - BriSCA F1 - Grand National
  19. Greetings BriSCA Formula 1 Stock Car fans from the last 2024 WCQR Apologies from Roy, due to very justified family commitments.
  20. Golden Helmet Grid 124 - 318 249 - 229 665 - 6 96 - 48 999 - 195 217 - 97 461 - 481 90 - 99 14 - 575 Golden Helmet - Top Three 318 Rick Lenssen 229 Tsjalle Greidanus 124 Wim Peeters Big Big Thank you to Harry and Congratulations to 195 and 318
  21. Heat 1 - Skegness World Final Wild Card Winner - 195 Harmen Zwerver 248 124 229 999 318 217 97 48 14 - 96 461 6 440 nof Heat 2 Winner - 6 Geert-Jan Keijzer 248 124 318 665 90 229 99 217 461 - 48 410 999 96 481 195 14 97 575 nof Heat 3 Winner - 124 Wim Peeters 217 665 318 248 229 6 96 999 48 - 481 99 14 575 195 nof
  22. Big Thank You to Hary Skegness Wild card and Golden Helmet
  23. Final result Winner - 152 Gert van Klok Second - 14 Rick Wobbes Third - 337 Dennis Tesselaar 61 20 236 75 161 36 661 - 6 87 604 524 143 16 179 453 nof Big Thank you to Hary
  24. Final Grid Whites 143 88 434 95 259 777 Yellows 35 317 524 179 609 500 128 Blues 305 592 76 36 661 87 6 Reds 141 152 56 236 79 14 161 20 27 337 76 604 75 SuperStars 61 453
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