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Posts posted by Tully44

  1. Will be a bit of a push for me to get there too, but I am sure it will be worth it.



    What??? Colin you don't work Saturday, you only do the occasional Wednesday, You will be there before anyone else, in fact I saw Guy give you the keys at NIR to open up!!! :rolleyes:

  2. As part of my complete clear out I have started to list stuff on eBay, few video's form the 90s on there at the mo, loads more stuff to follow



    Take a look at this then click on other items! item No120527251427 (sorry don't know how to put on a link)



  3. So, how many of you will be going to the NEC in January, How much is it this year- oh yeh £35 Quid to include the Live action plus £7 quid to park the car, lets not mention the cost of a burger & chips.

    And what will you do when you get there? look at some static cars, maybe meet up with some friends and have a chat and a pint, oh yes and go and what a dozen or so cars stage a race for 8/10 laps.


    Come on chaps lets not moan about the costs of admision going up and let's stop giving these promotors a hard time about putting the prices up. Lets face it what isn't going up at the moment. I dread to think what the electric bill would be for running a night meeting this time of year, they are running a business and are entitled to cover their costs and make a few quid to secure their stadiums for our enjoyment for the following year.

    I believe we still have the best value entertainment you can buy. Nuff said :thumbsup:

  4. 2006/7 World & National series Champion 391 Andrew Smith Photographs.


    Available in 3 sizes: 7x5 £1.75 12x 8 £5.00 15x10 £8.50 P&P 1.75


    A donation will made to the drivers trust fund and Macmillan cancer support for each photograph sold.


    Please PM your requests.




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