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Posts posted by Mikey390

  1. Going off topic here but, the Ministox are a very very important formula and should be given every chance to race. Without these youngsters there would be very few F1 stockcars racing today. Nearly all the ministox drivers are related to an F1 driver and just look what top drivers have come through the mini's to become top F1 entertainers today. So I personally would never complain that Ministox are on the bill. Don't shoot yourself in the foot as the saying goes.

  2. Due to the road closure at Boston I thought I would share the route I will take.

    At the A16 from the south of Boston, turn left onto the A17 for 4 miles then right onto the A52 for 3 miles then fork left onto the B1192 to LANGRICK then turn right onto the B1184 to SIBSEY to rejoin the A16 well north of Boston thereby totally avoiding Boston altogether. A bit longer in miles but I am hoping it won't be much longer time wise than having to get through Boston with all those traffic lights in the town centre.

    Hope this route might help fellow fans.

  3. I understand where Chunder is coming from. I would not normally do this May Coventry as it usually clashes with the BTCC at Thruxton but this year it doesn't so I will be doing Coventry tonight. I don't like Bangers or the 1300 saloons but I will see 6 races and the extra value for me will be roaming the pits during the support races. I like watching the repairs etc going on in the pits which is something I rarely get to see, so for me it will be £19 well spent on this particular occasion. King's Lynn is an option but a long drive for a non F1 meeting for me.

  4. The car turn out for the F2's is always big at NIR and produce superb racing.Usually get a nice quality field of F1's but best to check the drivers list later next week.NIR always put on a good show.Don't let car numbers put you off though.

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