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Phil Cal

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Posts posted by Phil Cal

  1. Peter Loix - the pits looked tidier down the hedgeside where the Hunters park up. You could see where a JCB bucket had levelled off.

    Tonywayne - car parking was well organised in the main area - I was there about 3:15 mind you! Agree with you - the field usually has both gates open at the end and its usually not bad getting out but if there was just the one exit for transporters and spectators that must have been hell!


    Hope everyone has a good night.

  2. Well Stox Fans - we have been following F1 for 36 years & remember those difficult days of 'A' & 'B' class cars and we are confident the sport will get over this period & will live on for a few years yet. We never considered not doing this meeting even though it is 100 miles away & I am a Spurs fan - that would be desertion as far as we are concerned. Once fans lose faith the drivers will soon follow, so lets all get behind what we have. Kings Lynn is brilliant, but only because of developed facilities and good management. Northampton could be the same in a few years if we support the management there - the pits have been tidied up & are well organised, the car parking likewise, the track is coming on in leaps & bounds & they are learning how to look after it. If this track loses support from fans then they will have to make the decision to revert to tarmac - if we can keep it going 5 years who knows what could transpire there or somewhere else. My cup is half full - please make yours the same & lets all get positive......

  3. Yes it is Colliver chaps & a thoroughly decent guy. We watched him on Sunday morning whilst he worked single handed to repair his front corner which had been turned back onto the wheel after a hard collision on Saturday night. We were there for 30+ minutes whilst he cut out pieces, used a hydraulic jack, cut new pieces and tacked them in place - we stood 2-3 metres away so as not to get in his way. He got to the point where he knew it was fit for scrutineering (once fully welded) then came over to talk as he saw how fascinated we had been watching him. He was so organised and had a good vision of the work necessary, probably as he is ex 2L saloons, but what was impressive was his attention to safety on behalf of himself & others who came too near. An excellent repair observed and a good discussion with us - no better place to be than in the pits with these guys or being entertained by them on the track! Will watch his progress - hope he soon settles in like the other ex 2L lads have done now. Our sport is still great,our 35th year and it looks like being another good one!

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