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Russ Heath

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    masive fan, f1 wana be driver!!!
  1. From accident repairs to Custom work and Race paint. For a free no obligation quote, call us on: 01652 633321, 07926516841, 07500042659. Also check us out on Facebook. Kind regaurds Platinum Body Works.
  2. Now in my own shop. PLATINUM BODY WORKS All paint work undertaken Race cars Restoration Motor Cycles Even Push Bikes lol. Check out my facebook photo's, waiting for web page 2 be sorted. Call Russ on 07926516841/ 01652 633321.
  3. https://www.facebook.com/russ.heath.5?ref=tn_tnmn
  4. thank you simon. always happy 2 help, and always willing 2 do a deal. any paint work considered, any race formula, also custom paint work and resto projects. drop me a msg here or on face book. (waiting 4 phone 2 b conected)
  5. bump
  6. !!!!!
  7. to take a look at my work, please search Russ Heath on facebook and have a look at my pictures. i am stood with FWJ in my profile picture. cheers Russ.
  8. !!!!
  9. Hi all, after being in the car body repair business for the last 14-15 yrs i an looking at going it alone and would love too focus part of my attentions on the race scene.i have already painted various race bikes on the club scene and am tryin to turn my attentions to my love, the world of short oval racing. i love been creative in my work and just doing accednt repair work is becoming very mondain. So as it is the winter break and strip down, i am offering my services to any racer in need of a new paint job or colour sceme. picture of my work can be seen on request. please pm me for any further info. Cheers, Russ.
  10. any pics of it. it always helps!!!
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